
In Communicare V22.1 and later, Communicare supports ePrescribing for registered providers who have opted in to ePrescribing.

In V22.1 and later, if ePrescribing using tokens is configured, whenever an eScript is created, Communicare sends a token to the patient or their carer using SMS or email via a central repository, such as eRx.

When the patient goes to collect the prescription, any pharmacist participating in ePrescribing can then scan the token to download the information about the prescription electronically from the central repository. This can greatly reduce errors with reading and interpreting printed prescriptions.

If a patient is registered for Active Script List (ASL), eScripts can also be sent directly to a patient's ASL instead of the patient or their carer. The ASL lists all active prescriptions and repeats that are available for the pharmacist to dispense. The patient or their carer then needs only to provide identification when they collect their prescription.

The token is suitable for a single repeat of the medication, the pharmacy is responsible for sending a new token for any repeats.

Set up ePrescribing

To set up ePrescribing:
  • For your health service:
    1. Ensure your local pharmacies are ready to dispense electronic prescriptions.
    2. Ensure your practice has a Healthcare Provider Identifier-Organisation (HPI-O) number and is connected to the Health Identifiers Service.
    3. Follow the steps to enable ETP:
      1. Register at least one clinician in your organisation as a Prescriber at the eRx (www.erx.com.au) website. eRx is the ETP service that Communicare integrates with to enable ETP. With the registration, although individual prescriber details are entered, it allows ETP to be used by anyone in the same organisation.
      2. Contact Communicare Support to confirm that registration has been initiated and arrange for ETP to be enabled. Communicare Support will add the ETP service details to File > System Parameters > Web Services tab. For more information, see Script Exchange system parameters.
      3. Check that a locality is set for your encounter place. For Communicare to be able to transfer prescriptions to the ETP service, your encounter place must include a locality in File > Reference Tables > Encounter Place.
        If ETP is enabled for your encounter place and no locality is set for your encounter place, or for your organisation in File > Organisation Maintenance, you can't save new prescriptions.
  • For any provider who has opted in to ePrescribing, the following information must be recorded in Communicare:
    • The provider must belong to a user group which has the Prescribing system right set.
    • In File > Providers, providers must have:
      • Logon User Name
      • Full name
      • PBS Prescriber Number
      • A validated HPI-I Number
      • Qualifications recorded
      • Enable ePrescribing set
Because ePrescribing relies on the prescriber's identity within the prescribing system to replace a signature on paper, ADHA has imposed additional requirements on system security and user authentication.
  • Passwords for providers using ePrescribing must meet the following requirements:
    • Eight characters
    • Include at least one letter
    • Include at least one number
    • May include special characters
    These requirements will be enforced for new users or for existing users who change their password in V22.1 and later.
  • Communicare is locked and users must log in again after 15 minutes of inactivity and when prescribing schedule 8 medications. This requirement helps prevent a prescriber having drugs prescribed under their identity if they leave their computer unattended.

Using ePrescribing

To use ePrescribing:
  1. Ensure your practice team are up-to-date with electronic prescribing.
  2. With your patients, discuss the option of receiving a prescription electronically. If they opt in:
    • Ensure patient phone and email addresses are current so that they can receive ePrescribing tokens.
    • Set the patient's preferred prescription format in Biographics iconBiographics > Personal tab, Prescription Format.
  3. Prescribe using ePrescribing prescription formats. For more information, see Table 1.

For training about ePrescribing in Communicare, see ePrescription eLearning.