Send HealthLink SmartForms

Send eReferrals and other forms from Communicare using HealthLink SmartForms.

Your Communicare instance must be configured to integrate with HealthLink SmartForms.

HealthLink SmartForms allow organisations receiving eReferrals or other forms to standardise the data required.  

Each HealthLink SmartForm contains:
  • Default data set by HealthLink
  • Data imported from Communicare
  • Fields to be completed manually by the clinician
Only users who belong to a user group with the HealthLink SmartForms system right enabled can work with SmartForms. Users without this system right can still view saved or submitted SmartForms.
To send a form from Communicare using a HealthLink SmartForm:
  1. In a patient's clinical record in Communicare, select Go to iconGo To > HealthLink iconHealthLink SmartForms.
  2. From the HealthLink SmartForms directory, select the required form.
  3. Complete the eReferral form.
    Example HealthLink SmartForm
    • In the form, complete the mandatory fields.
    • Review the data imported from Communicare and update it if required. For more information, see HealthLink SmartForms Data Mapping.
    • Attach documents and reports as required. For more information, see Documents.
  4. The current encounter and document properties are added to the SmartForm. To display the properties associated with the SmartForm, click Show Details. Edit these details if required.
    • From the Encounter Mode list, select an alternative encounter mode.
    • To limit who can view the document, from the Viewing Rights list, select a user group so that only users who belong to the selected group can view the SmartForm.
    • To sort the SmartForms into topics, from the Topic list, select a topic.
    • In the Comment field, enter a comment.
      The comment is added to the document properties and is used to identify the document in Communicare. Comments are limited to 40 characters.
      Copy the form name to the comment field to help with later identification of the form.
  5. If you can't complete the form immediately, click Park to save it to Communicare, from where you can resume it later.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. When you submit or park and close the form, if you haven't added a comment already, include one in the space provided and click Yes.
Submitted forms are sent securely to the recipient and a summary of the information sent in the form is displayed as HTML or a PDF. This summary is also saved to Communicare. Print the summary if required.
HealthLink SmartForms do not use the Communicare default printer settings set in Printer Assignments.

If the form fails to send, it is saved and parked and an error message from HealthLink is displayed.

In Communicare, submitted forms are listed in the patient's clinical record, on the Progress Notes icon Progress Notes tab, prefixed with <Sent> SmartForm "comment".
Example SmartForm progress note
Submitted forms are also displayed in the following locations with the document name SmartForm "comment" and a status of Sent. For example SmartForm "Cardiology - Primary Health Tasmania".
  • The patient's clinical record, on the Detail tab iconDetail > Document tab.
    Example sent HealthLink SmartForm in clinical record, Detail tab
  • Documents and Results iconDocuments and Results > Outgoing Documents tab.
    Example sent HealthLink SmartForm in Documents and Results, Outgoing Documents tab
    To display an HTML or PDF summary of the SmartForm sent, double-click the SmartForm in the list.

    Incomplete, parked forms are listed with a status of Saved.

  • Viewing rights are respected. Only clinicians who belong to the set user group can view the document.
For some recipients, forms are sent asynchronously using SMD. Forms sent asynchronously show a status of:
  • Pending until an acknowledgement message is received.
  • Sent when an acknowledgement message is received with a successful state.
  • Error if a form is rejected or fails. To deliver the form to the recipient using an alternative method, open the form and print it to PDF.
To open a sent SmartForm, double-click it on the Progress Notes or Detail tab.

If you parked an incomplete form or a form failed to send, from Communicare, resume it. For more information, see Edit HealthLink SmartForms.