Reviewing and inserting result qualifiers
If an investigation request matched to a result is known to have certain qualifiers associated with it, these qualifiers will be linked through to the investigation result.

The most recent value recorded previously in Communicare for a qualifier is
displayed. After you have reviewed the results, click Previous
Measurements to display all previous values.
Numeric and true/false qualifiers are supported. Numeric qualifiers receive the numeric value coded by the laboratory in the result. True/false qualifiers receive the Abnormal flag coded by the laboratory in the result. This means that the qualifier will record whether the lab declared the result to be abnormal, not the actual text returned by the lab.
Qualifiers that were automatically imported will be pre-filled. This means that they can be modified if absolutely necessary. Qualifiers that could not be pre-filled but are still returned in the result can be inserted.
Any OnQualifier recall rules will fire when the reviewed result is saved.