Certificates Maintenance

The Certificates Maintenance window is accessed from the main menu, File > Reference Tables > Certificates. The menu option is only available for users with administrative rights. It lists all of the currently installed certificates that can be used in various places in Communicare.

Columns Displayed

The following columns are displayed on the Certificates Maintenance table:
  • Name - a unique name of the certificate as specified by the user.
  • Type - the type of the certificate as specified by the user.
  • HPI-O - the HPI-O in the certificate. This is populated automatically by Communicare if the certificate contains a HPI-O. For example, if the certificate type is the 'NASH PKI Certificate for Healthcare Provider Organisation', also known as 'NASH Org' certificate.
  • Description - a description of the certificate as specified by the user.

Double clicking on a row or clicking the 'change' button will allow you to edit the currently selected certificate. Clicking the 'add' button will allow you to insert a new certificate in the table. Clicking the 'delete' button will delete the currently selected certificate.