Create / Edit Qualifier

Qualifier Properties

Table 1. Qualifier Properties
Property Description
Description Name of the qualifier. This should uniquely identify the data even when the qualifier is reported on without the context of the clinical item to which it is attached.
Summary Ticking this checkbox will add this qualifier type to the qualifier summary in a patient's clinical record. This shows the latest date and value for this qualifier for that patient. If this checkbox is ticked or unticked for a qualifier that already has a lot of data then saving the change may take a few moments because patient data is being processed.
Show on Alert Summary Ticking this checkbox will add this qualifier type to the alert summary section in a patient's clinical record.
Export Code Code used to facilitate identification of qualifiers for reporting purposes.
System Code Code used to facilitate specific behaviours in the Communicare program. Nothing should be entered here without consultation with Communicare to confirm the behaviours that will arise for that code. Unrecognised codes will have no effect.
Aboriginality Determines whether this qualifier is only for persons of a particular Aboriginality. Leave blank if it should be applicable to everyone. This cannot be changed once the qualifier has been created.
Gender Determines whether this qualifier is only for persons of a particular sex. Leave blank if it should be applicable to everyone. This cannot be changed once the qualifier has been created.
Value Type See Table 2
Definition This section will appear above the qualifier on the clinical item when a user is entering data. It can be used to clarify the measurement description or to add extra specific instructions as to when and how the qualifier is to be used.

Currency is the period of time that the qualifier will be current or "up to date". If a qualifier is added to a patient's qualifier summary, then it will be current for the amount of time specified here. If a qualifier is older than its currency period, then in the qualifier summary list the date value will appear highlighted in red.

If you leave this field blank then the qualifier will always be treated as current.

Value Types

When adding a new qualifier, you are required to select the 'type' of value it should store. This cannot be changed once the qualifier has been created.

Table 2. Value Types
Address Book Lookup Allows the user to select an address book record that is available for secure communications from the Communicare address book.
Date Value is any valid format date.
Date Time Value is any valid format date and 24 hour time.
Drawing A preset template image to draw on (for examinations, etc.). This qualifier type is not currently user-definable. Contact COMMUNICARE for requests for further drawing qualifiers.
Dropdown list A single value can be selected from a predefined list. Define the options in the lower grid. See Dropdown List Qualifiers for more information.
Free text Values can be any short text.
Image An image (picture or drawing) file can be loaded. Supported file types are JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg), Windows Bitmap (*.bmp), Icon files (*.ico), Windows Metafiles (*.emf;*.wmf), GIF (*.gif) and Portable Network Graphics (*.png).
Investigation Request

Define a qualifier of this type and provide a keyword that identifies one or more investigation requests. Adding the qualifier to a clinical item provides a button when the user completes that item. Clicking the button generates an investigation request with the identified test pre-selected.

When the clinical item is saved there is a record that the investigation request was generated from that clinical item. In future this will allow results of specific tests to be matched to the item (say, antenatal check) that generated the request.

Memo Value is an unlimited amount of free text.

Values can be numbers, including decimals. Units must be defined.

Specifying a range of values: Numeric qualifiers can have maximum and minimum values defined. This will prevent users from entering values below the minimum and/or values above the maximum. If the user enters a value outside the range they are warned that 'Hb (Haemoglobin) (g/L) must be between 18 and 220.' and they must then correct the data before they can save the clinical item.

Person A person (patient) in the Communicare database.
Tick box A checkbox that can be set. Defaults to unselected.
Time Value is any 24 hour format time.
Title A section header. Does not collect patient data.
Yes, No Values can be Yes, No or blank (not stated). Defaults to blank.