MeHR Antenatal Reports

Communicare sends antenatal information to MeHR via Antenatal Reports, Event Summaries and Current Health Profile documents.

The 'Confirmed Pregnancy' clinical item has a tickbox, 'Send Antenatal Reports', which determines where data for this pregnancy is sent to the MeHR. This tickbox is also shown in Antenatal Check-up clinical items, but as read-only, reflecting the value set in the Confirmed Pregnancy clinical item for the same pregnancy number. Either all the data concerning a pregnancy is sent to the MeHR, or no data.

If this tickbox is ticked:
  • All data that has been entered for this pregnancy (in the Confirmed Pregnancy and Antenatal Check-up clinical items), will be sent to the MeHR.
  • All Event Summaries for past services that contained data for this pregnancy will be sent to the MeHR.
  • All data for this pregnancy will be included in CHP documents, and cannot be removed.
  • At the end of any service containing data for this pregnancy, an Event Summary, Antenatal Report, and Current Health Profile will be sent to the MeHR. This cannot be overridden.
If this tickbox is unticked:
  • All data that has been entered for this pregnancy (in the Confirmed Pregnancy and Antenatal Check-up clinical items), will be removed from the MeHR.
  • All Event Summaries for past services that contained data for this pregnancy will be removed from the MeHR.
  • All data for this pregnancy will be removed from CHP documents, and cannot be readded.
  • At the end of any service containing data for this pregnancy, no document will be sent to the MeHR. This cannot be overridden.