Appointment Session Template Application

You can force Communicare to generate appointment timeslots in the appointment book according to the details of the template, rather than waiting for the nightly process.

To generate appointment timeslots:
  1. Select File > Appointments > Session Templates.
  2. In the Session Templates window, right-click the template that you want to apply and select Apply to appointments book.
  3. In the Select Date Range window, from the From calendar, select when you want to apply the session template from.
  4. From the To calendar, select the Appointment Horizon date. This option is only enabled if the horizon date is set (indicating that the Appointments Generator has previously run).
  5. Click OK.

The selected template is used to generate appointment timeslots in the appointment book according to the details of the template.

Any sessions that would overlap with existing session providers or facilities are skipped.

The outcome is displayed in the Template Application Log. For example, "The number of inserted sessions is 26".

Details of all skipped sessions are also listed with the reason the session was skipped. For example, "Provider overlap".