Clinical Item Maintenance

Clinical items are an essential building block for providing a care pathway with the clinical record workflow.

Clinical items are developed using standards and guidelines that inform the care pathway and the data that must be recorded.

At a minimum, Communicare uses ICPC-2 PLUS for central clinical items. Clinical items for enterprise customers are also linked to SNOMED CT codes.

Using clinical items, clinicians can record a clinical event in a patient's record using structured data. Clinical items incorporate qualifiers to ask relevant clinical questions and record responses in a structured way.

Before editing or adding clinical items, you should understand the impact on related clinical record workflow building blocks:
  • Recalls - a clinical item that has a planned date that has not been actioned yet. A recall is listed in the patient's clinical record in the To Do list. It can be triggered from a clinical item or a particular qualifier (in addition to other ways in which a recall can be triggered.)
  • Reports - measure the programs and services provided; enable proactive recall follow-up; enable easy reporting to government organisations.

    Scheduled reports - a way of sending structured data to people for information or action.

  • Imaging and pathology - requesting and reviewing
  • Charts - measurements recorded as qualifiers in a clinical item can be charted. For example, INR, qualifier or centile charts.
  • Medications - prescribe, chart, administer and supply
  • Letters - a way of collating structured and unstructured data recorded in the patient's clinical record into a single letter.
    • Care Plans - a type of letter template that can be revised as care needs change. A patient can have one care plan for each topic.
  • Medicare - a way of generating revenue for the programs and services provided.