Breast cancer screening recall scenarios

Add recalls for breast cancer screening. Choose the scenario that best suits your health service.

Note: Clinicians should refer to the Clinical Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening and any documentation, letters or alerts from the Breast Screening Register for information about recall intervals and add the planned recalls for treatment such as referrals or tests.
Tip: Links to the relevant guidelines are listed at the top of the Results;breast cancer screening clinical item.

Scenario A - No recall protocol

Some health services may elect not to have a recall protocol for Breast Cancer Screening. Patients over 50 or in high-risk groups are assessed on presentation and tests requested as required. GP Review of Clinical Software does not recommend this approach.

Scenario B - Initial recall only

Use an on registration recall that triggers the first recall at age 50 years and before 74 years. As patients present, the next recall must be manually added after results are received and interpreted.

Add a recall to File > Reference Tables > Automated Recall Types using the following values.

Table 1. Breast cancer screening recall - initial on registration recall only
Property Values for On Registration
Example Example On Registration recall only for breast cancer screening
Recall for Screening;breast cancer (or site equivalent)
Sex Female
Min Age blank
Max Age 74 years
Age 50 years

Scenario C - Simple cycle

This is an initial recall at age 50 years but before 74 years followed by two-yearly recalls. The recall is normally completed once the result is known, and the interval can be adjusted or accepted.

Add two recalls to File > Reference Tables > Automated Recall Types using the following values.

Note: The completion of the Results;breast cancer screening, high risk patient clinical guidelines or letters and notifications from state Breast Screen agencies are not factored into this recall option. Clinicians should manually adjust the recall date as required.
Table 2. Breast cancer screening recall - simple cycle
Property Values for On Registration Values for On Completion Trigger
Example Example initial recall only for breast cancer screening Example on completion trigger for breast cancer screening
Recall for Screening;breast cancer (or site equivalent) Screening;breast cancer
Sex Female Female
Min Age blank blank
Max Age 74 years 74 years
Age 50 years -
Trigger on completion/presentation of for Single clinical item - Screening;breast cancer
Offset - 2 years

Scenario D - Cycle including results

This is an initial recall at age 50 years but before 74 years which triggers a recall to record the results. At this stage completion of the results triggers the next recall for breast screening and the interval can be adjusted as required.

Add three recalls to File > Reference Tables > Automated Recall Types using the following values.

Note: High risk patient clinical guidelines or letters and notifications from state Breast Screen agencies are not factored into this recall option. Clinicians should manually adjust the recall date as required.
Table 3. Breast cancer screening recall - cycle including results
Property Values for On Registration Values for On Completion Trigger 1 Values for On Completion Trigger 2
Example Example initial recall only for breast cancer screening Example on completion trigger for results recall for breast cancer screening Example on completion trigger for breast cancer screening
Recall for Screening;breast cancer (or site equivalent) Results;breast cancer screening Screening;breast cancer
Sex Female Female Female
Min Age blank blank blank
Max Age 74 years blank 74 years
Age 50 years - -
Trigger on completion/presentation of for Single clinical item - Results;breast cancer screening Screening;breast cancer
Offset - 0 days 2 years

Scenario E - Qualifier-driven cycle

This is an initial recall at age 50 years but before 74 years which triggers a recall to record the results. When the results are recorded it is a qualifier that triggers the next recall.

To implement this recall scenario:
  1. In File > Reference Tables > Automated Recall Types, add the On Registration recall from Table 1.
  2. Also add the On Completion Trigger 1 recalls listed in Table 4.
  3. In File > Reference Tables > Clinical Item Types, add a follow up clinical item locally for breast screen abnormal results, Followup;breast screening;abnormal.
    Example recall clinical item for breast cancer screening
  4. Add the On Qualifier recalls for different results described in Table 5.
  5. Add the On Completion Trigger 2 recall in Table 4.
Note: High risk patient clinical guidelines or letters and notifications from state Breast Screen agencies are not factored into this recall option. Clinicians should manually adjust the recall date as required.
Table 4. Breast cancer screening recall - qualifier-driven cycle - on completion recalls
Property Values for On Registration Values for On Completion Trigger 1 Values for On Completion Trigger 2
Example Example recall for breast cancer screening Example on completion trigger for results recall for breast cancer screening Example on completion trigger for abnormal screening result
Recall for Screening;breast cancer (or site equivalent) Results;breast cancer screening Screening;breast cancer
Sex Female Female Female
Min Age blank blank blank
Max Age 74 years 74 years 74 years
Age 50 years - -
Trigger on completion/presentation of for Single clinical item - Screening;breast cancer Followup;breast screening;abnormal
Offset - 2 years 2 years
Table 5. Breast cancer screening recall - qualifier-driven cycle - on qualifier recalls
Property Values for On Qualifier 1 Values for On Qualifier 2
Example Example on qualifier recall Example on qualifier recall
Recall for Screening;breast cancer (or site equivalent) Followup;breast screening; abnormal
Qualifier Mammogram/Breast Screen Mammogram/Breast Screen
Trigger for Normal Abnormal
Sex Female Female
Min Age blank blank
Max Age 74 years blank
Age - -
Offset 2 years 0 Days