RHD recall rules summary

To manage RHD patients, consider implementing the following recall rules.

Table 1. Rules to trigger first RHD check-up using clinical item group
Clinical item group Period Recall type Trigger Offset
Rheumatic Fever/Heart Disease - On Presentation Check up;RHD and acute rheumatic fever 0 days
Alternatively, trigger first check-up using individual conditions:
Clinical item Period Recall type Recall for Offset
Disease;rheumatic heart - On Presentation Check up;RHD and acute rheumatic fever 0 days
Disease;rheumatic heart; mild - On Presentation Check up;RHD and acute rheumatic fever 0 days
and so on...
Table 2. Rules to manage RHD secondary prophylaxis
Clinical item group or recall for Period Recall type Trigger Offset
Rheumatic Fever/Heart Disease - On Presentation Injection;Bicillin LA 0 days
Clinical item Period Recall type Recall for Offset
Injection;Bicillin LA - On Completion Injection;Bicillin LA 4 weeks
Alternatively, trigger the first injection on completion of a Check up;RHD and acute rheumatic fever
Table 3. Rules to manage RHD echocardiography
Trigger Period Recall type Recall for Offset
Echocardiography due 12 months On Qualifier Echocardiography 12 months
Echocardiography due 2 years On Qualifier Echocardiography 2 years
Echocardiography due 3 months On Qualifier Echocardiography 3 months
Echocardiography due 3 years On Qualifier Echocardiography 3 years
Echocardiography due 6 months On Qualifier Echocardiography 6 months
Echocardiography due now On Qualifier Echocardiography 0 days
Table 4. Rules to manage RHD specialist reviews
Trigger Period Recall type Recall for Offset
Cardiologist review due 12 months On Qualifier Consult;cardiologist or Referral;cardiologist 12 months
Cardiologist review due 3 months On Qualifier Consult;cardiologist or Referral;cardiologist 3 months
Cardiologist review due 6 months On Qualifier Consult;cardiologist or Referral;cardiologist 6 months
Cardiologist review due now On Qualifier Consult;cardiologist or Referral;cardiologist 0 days
Physician review due 12 months On Qualifier Consult;physician or Referral;physician 12 months
Physician review due 3 months On Qualifier Consult;physician or Referral;physician 3 months
Physician review due 6 months On Qualifier Consult;physician or Referral;physician 6 months
Physician review due now On Qualifier Consult;physician or Referral;physician 0 days
Paediatric review due 12 months On Qualifier Consult;paediatrician or Referral;paediatrician 12 months
Paediatric review due 3 months On Qualifier Consult;paediatrician or Referral;paediatrician 3 months
Paediatric review due 6 months On Qualifier Consult;paediatrician or Referral;paediatrician 6 months
Paediatric review due now On Qualifier Consult;paediatrician or Referral;paediatrician 0 days
Dental review due 12 months On Qualifier Consult;dentist or Referral;dentist 12 months
Dental review due 3 months On Qualifier Consult;dentist or Referral;dentist 3 months
Dental review due 6 months On Qualifier Consult;dentist or Referral;dentist 6 months
Dental review due now On Qualifier Consult;dentist or Referral;dentist 0 days