Previous measurements

The Previous measurements window lists all previous measurements for a qualifier.

When you record the value for a qualifier, such as Haemoglobin or BP, in a clinical item, the date and time that the value was recorded is also saved. You can take the same observations and record values for the same test multiple times per day. Separate entries are displayed for each observation in the clinical record, Detail > Ix Result tab.
Example multiple results for one day listed on the Ix Result tab
The most recent value for a qualifier is displayed in various places throughout Communicare, including:
  • In the clinical record, Main Summary > Qualifier Summary pane
    Example values in Qualifier Summary
  • In a clinical item, for the relevant field
  • In the letter writer, when you add a Clinical Record > Latest Qualifier > test, for example, Hb (Haemoglobin).
To display all previous measurements for a test in the Previous measurements window:
Example Previous measurements window
  • In the clinical record, Main Summary > Qualifier Summary, double-click the test
  • In the clinical record, Detail > Ix Result tab, select a test and in the Qualifier pane, double-click a value
  • In a clinical item, for a value, click Chart iconPrevious Measurements
If the measurement values are numerics, to graph all measurements, in the Previous measurements window, click Chart.
If there are multiple measurements in a day, all values are plotted on the graph in a vertical line.
Example qualifier chart with multiple observations in a day

To print a Measurement History Report for the current patient, click Print.

To generate a list of all measurements for a patient for a particular qualifier or qualifiers that can be printed, run one of the following reports:
  • Qualifiers > Patient Measurement History
  • Qualifiers > Patient Multiple Qualifier History