Appointments Reports

These reports relate specifically to the Appointments module and are only available to sites that have Appointments features enabled.

To print the appointment book, select Report > Appointments > Appointment Book and set the date and other filters you require.
Table 1. Appointments reports
Report > Appointments Description
Appointment Book Print the appointment book in a format that can be used in an emergency as a paper appointments book. It is also useful when reviewing the set up of the appointment book.

One Provider is printed per page.

Cancelled sessions are automatically excluded from the list.

Appointment Details Shows each future session with the time of appointment and patient name, home address and phone numbers. Print and take on home visit appointments or to make telephone calls to remind patients of upcoming appointments.
Attendance Analysis by Place Mode Session attendance by Session Name, Place Mode and Provider name with any changes made during the actual session.

Use this report to count the number of episodes of care by type of session or clinic held over a selected period. For example: find the number of clients who attended an Antenatal Clinic held at location X last year.

Attendance Count A count of all appointments kept, cancelled and Did not attend between two dates, including walk-in patient services.
Attendance Count by Provider A count of all appointments kept, cancelled and Did not attend between two dates, including walk-in patient services, broken down by provider.
Cancelled Bookings All appointments cancelled between two dates, including the username of the user who cancelled each appointment and the username of the user who created the initial appointment.
Cancelled Sessions All sessions cancelled between two dates for sessions planned between two dates, including the username of the user who cancelled each session and the username of the user who created the initial session.
Duty Roster All sessions scheduled between two dates. The provider, place, facility, start and end times are shown. Use this report to generate a duty roster.
Missed Appointment Analysis Counts the number of missed appointments by session type and includes past bookings that are either still booked or have been cancelled with the reason Did not attend.

Filter by date range, sex and Aboriginality.

Use this report to evaluate the effectiveness of client reminder systems.

Missed appointment letter Lists details for letters to clients who have missed appointments during a selected date range and includes past bookings that are either still booked or have been cancelled with the reason Did not attend.

Use to print a standard letter for each patient who has missed an appointment or to print reminder letters.

Missed appointment list Lists details of missed appointments for a selected date range and includes past bookings that are either still booked or have been cancelled with the reason Did not attend.

Use this report as a worklist to follow-up clients who have missed an appointment.

Reminder letters list Lists details of upcoming appointments for aselected date range.

Use to print a standard letter for each patient who has an upcoming appointment or to print reminder letters.

Requirement Details Shows each future session with the time of appointment and patient name, home address, phone numbers and email addresses. Print and take on home visit appointments or use to remind patients of upcoming appointments.
Requirements Use to manage Appointment Requirements. For example, it can be used:
  • By the transport officer to print a list of all appointments where transport is required
  • By an interpreter to see when interpreter services are required
  • By staff to print a list of appointments requiring test results, to ensure that the results are available in time for the appointment.
Reschedule Queue Details Shows appointments cancelled with the intention to reschedule that may not have been rescheduled.

By default, the reschedule list presented when you select that option is only for those whose original booking is still in the future. This report allows you to look back.

Reserved Comment Analysis Analyses 'Reserved' comments for all appointment slots that have been reserved. Results are broken down by encounter place and provider.
Session analysis by Place Mode Analyses appointment session by Session Name and Place Mode. Use this report to count the number and type of sessions (i.e. clinics) held over a selected period. The report counts individual sessions, total timeslots available and how many males and females attended an appointment.
Session analysis by Provider Counts the number of days on which there was at least one session for each provider or speciality type between two dates analysed by day of the week. Cancelled sessions are excluded.
Timeslot Analysis Analyses all timeslots and shows those that were booked, those not booked and those reserved. Results are broken down by encounter place, session type and provider.
Timeslot Details Shows all timeslots for a specified provider between two dates and all patient bookings and status.

Use this report as a brief summary of future appointments or as an analysis of past appointments.

Transport Requirements Lists address details for clients with appointments in need of transport. Appointments listed are those appointments booked with a "transport requirement" and incomplete referrals that have an appointment time.

Cancelled, withdrawn, waiting, started, paused or finished services are not included. Only incomplete referrals with an appointment date are included.

The report lists place of appointment, time of appointment, client name, client address and comment or transport mode.

Use this report as a work list for transport drivers.

Walk-in patient analysis Counts the number of episodes of health care for clients who did not have an appointment during a selected period, by place mode, Aboriginality and sex.

Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded. Services involving transport workers only are also excluded.

Both Started and Finished services are counted. Booked and Waiting services are excluded.