Referrals Reports

The referrals reports list and analyse referrals.

Referrals are clinical items with a class of Referral.

Table 1. Referrals reports
Report > Referrals Description
Analysis by Organisation and Reason Analyses referrals by organisation and referral reason.

Use this report to count the types of referrals made to each organisation referred to, including internal referrals.

Analysis by Type and Organisation or Person Counts referrals (incoming and outgoing) by the type of referral (reason) and the organisation or person referred to or from, where:
  • Referrals To are outgoing referrals to the external organisation or person
  • Referrals From are incoming referrals from the external organisation or person.

Use this report to measure referral activity within the organisation.

Filter by:
  • Critical Status
  • Emergency Status
  • Locality
  • Referrals To or From the Organisation
  • Any Referral Reason

Fictitious clients are ignored.

Analysis of Escorted referrals Analyses escorted referrals by referral reason.

Use this report to count the types of referrals which were escorted.

Cancelled referrals are not counted.

Complete or with Appointment between two dates List all referrals that may have been completed. The report looks for referrals that have either:
  • An appointment date between two specified dates and no referral complete date
  • A referral complete date between the same two dates regardless of appointment date.

Use this report to get details of referrals that were actually completed between two dates and also to highlight referrals that should have been completed so that action can be taken.

Only referrals 'to' are considered, not referrals 'from'.

Incomplete and Awaiting List all referrals that have not been completed.

This report prompts for a date range, the default being from two years ago to today.

Recalls are shown with the due date instead of the referred date and are referrals that have not yet been made (that is, there is a recall for a referral but it has not yet been initiated).

Patient Referrals by Organisation and Provider Lists all incomplete and complete referrals in a selected period for a selected organisation or all organisations.

Use this report to track referrals allocated to workers within your section.

The report is grouped by organisation, provider referred to, status and sex, and shows patient name, referral reason and who made the referral.

Referral Appointments Lists incomplete referrals by appointment time.

Use this report as an aid to arranging client transport.

Recalls for referral and referrals without an appointment are not listed.

Referral Appointments Needed Lists incomplete referrals without an appointment time.

Use this report as a work list to book appointments for referrals that have no appointment.

Recalls for referrals more that 2 years old are not listed.

Click Advanced in patient search to open client files and record appointment times.
Referrals Lists and analyse referrals. Use the following styles:
  • Patient Referral Outcome - lists qualifier outcomes associated with referrals associated with each patient.

    Referrals with no associated qualifiers are not included and you can only select 'Show Critical Referrals Only'.

  • Referral Analysis - summarises (count, estimated cost) referrals by reason. You can only select 'Show Critical Referrals Only'.
  • Referrals by Patient - lists details (where / reason / comment / status / date) for all referrals by date for each patient. Referrals can be to or from. You can only select 'Show Critical Referrals Only'.
  • Referrals From by Organisation - lists details (from where / comment / status / date / patient) for patient referrals from an organisation in order by organisation.

    The summary for each organisation shows the number of males, females and the total. You can print just this summary.

  • Referrals From by Reason - lists details (from where / comment / status / date / patient) for patient referrals from an organisation in order, by reason.

    The summary for each reason shows the number of males, females and the total. You can print just this summary.

  • Referrals To by Organisation - lists details (from where / comment / status / date / patient) for patient referrals to an organisation in order, by organisation.

    The summary for each organisation shows the number of males, females and the total. You can print just this summary.

  • Referrals To by Reason - lists details (from / where / comment / status / date / patient) for patient referrals to an organisation in order, by reason.

    The summary for each reason shows the number of males, females and the total. You can print just this summary.

  • Referrals To/From by Reason - lists details (patient / status / date / comment / locality / phone / address) for patient referrals to/from an organisation in order, by reason.

    The summary for each reason shows the number of males, females and the total. You can print just this summary. Other options control printing of comments/ locality/ address detail.

This report excludes fictitious patients.

Reminder Letters Lists details of upcoming referral appointments for a selected date range.

Click Yes to print a standard letter for each patient who has an upcoming appointment.

Click Advanced to export this list as a word processor merge file to send reminder letters.

Summary Counts the number of "referrals to" and "referrals from" the organisation for a referral reason.

Use this report to summarise the reasons for "referrals to" and "referrals from" the organisation.

The report is grouped into "Referrals To" and "Referrals From":
  • Referrals To are outgoing referrals to the external organisation or person
  • Referrals From are incoming referrals from the external organisation or person.

The report displays the number of referrals for each referral reason, and totals the number of referrals to and from the organisation.

The report can be filtered by:
  • Encounter Place
  • Encounter Mode
  • Program
  • Referral Reason