Reference Tables Reports

These reports enable you to print information from the Reference Tables.

If you can't find the precise report you need, consider using Query Builder instead.
Table 1. Reference Tables reports
Report > Reference Tables Description
Address Book Print the address book. Print to Microsoft Excel to show audit fields.
Appointments Session Templates Lists the templates defined in the Appointments Session Templates table.
Automated Recall Loops Shows automated recall types diagrammatically so that recall protocols can be seen and assessed.
Automated Recall Types Lists details of the Automated Recall Types. Use Selection and Ordering options to configure the report to give the list that best suits your needs.
Cause of Death Factor Types Lists all of the Death Factors that are defined in Communicare. Use this report in conjunction with the Cause of Death Types report.
Cause of Death Types Lists all of the Death Causes that are defined in Communicare. Use this report in conjunction with the Death Factor Type report.
Clinical Item Group Membership Displays the Clinical Item Groups that a Clinical Item belongs to (if any).
Clinical Item Groups Lists all clinical items within a selected clinical item group or all clinical item groups that a clinical item belongs to, which is useful in gaining an understanding of the scope of clinical item groups.

Disabled terms are excluded. There are options to filter by viewing right and by ICPC component.

Because the report can be very long, especially if you use ICPC-2 PLUS and select All Clinical Item Types and Groups, consider viewing the report on your computer or exporting it rather than printing it.

Clinical Item Type Details Displays details of a single clinical item including all the qualifiers, and options available in lists.

Use to present to users for discussion at a design stage or as the basis for a paper data collection form that providers can take to remote areas, transferring the data into Communicare when they return.

Clinical Item Type Usage Analyses usage of clinical item types and qualifiers, showing which items have been used and how often.

Usage is counted by distinct patient.

Patients with current status of Fictitious Patient are excluded from this report.

Clinical Item Types Lists Clinical Item Types.
Select the items to be included in the report from:
  • All Items
  • A specific Class
  • A specific Topic
  • All Recallable items
  • Further options enable you to:
    • List the Qualifiers that are associated with each item
    • Suppress items that are not enabled
    • Include ID numbers
Clinical Item Types - Immunisations Lists all immunisation clinical item types along with their ICPC and AIR codes and whether the immunisation is included on the clinical record Immunisations button.

Use this report to confirm that your system contains a complete and up-to-date list of immunisations.

Clinical Item Types Added Details new items and qualifiers added in the previous specified days.

Administrators can use this report to report on items and qualifiers created whilst on site or to find new Central items.

Clinical Item Types and Qualifier usage Lists enabled Clinical Item Types with associated qualifiers that have been used in the past 30 days, along with a count of the number of times the term has been used in that period

Administrators can use this report to evaluate clinical item and qualifier usage.

Records created by SYSDBA and disabled qualifier types are excluded.

Clinical Item Types Disabled with Recalls Administrators can use this report to itemise clinical item types that have been disabled but for which there are outstanding recalls for patients (excluding fictitious and deceased patients).

Run the Recalls Due report for each item to find out patient details and consider cancelling such recalls as no longer required.

Clinical Item Types non-ICPC Lists enabled local Clinical Item Types (with associated qualifiers) that are not official ICPC terms, along with a count of the number of times the term has been used in the past 30 days.

Administrators can use this report to identify non-ICPC terms that are not being used and should be disabled, or mapped to ICPC.

Clinical Item Types non-ICPC Disabled Lists disabled local Clinical Item Types (with associated qualifiers) that are not official ICPC terms, along with a count of the number of times the term has been used.

Administrators can use this report to identify non-ICPC terms that are have been used and should be converted, re-enabled or mapped to ICPC.

Clinical Item Types With Selected Qualifier Lists all clinical items with a selected qualifier attached.

Use this report to see where a particular qualifier can be entered by providers.

Your viewing rights may preclude you from seeing all clinical items.

Clinical Item Types Without Keywords Lists any enabled clinical items which have no keywords attached. These terms cannot be found using the keyword search until they have at least one keyword attached.
Dosage instruction shortcuts Lists text shortcuts that can be used when prescribing medications.
Duplicate Qualifier Types Reports items that have a square bracket in the description that surround a number.

Qualifier descriptions must be unique. Following Central imports to Communicare, any duplicate descriptions which already existed on the local database are made unique by appending a number in square brackets. For example, the description Iron would be changed to Iron[1].

Use this query to help you resolve duplicate descriptions.

Encounter Places Lists all encounter places and enabled modes.
Formularies Lists formulary details.

If a product was deleted from MIMS, the date it was deleted is displayed. If only a pack size was deleted, Pack only is displayed.

To show items accidentally selected, select <Errors>. If any records are reported here, contact Communicare Support.

ICPC SNOMED Mappings Lists all Clinical Item Types with or without an ICPC Code and with or without a SNOMED code.

This report identifies any Clinical Item Types that are missing mappings between ICPC and SNOMED and vice versa or to review matching that has already been done.

Investigation Keywords Lists keywords for requesting investigations. Select Central, Local or All keywords.
Investigations Lists all investigations that can be requested and indicates if they have been shortlisted.
Investigations Local STI Codes Lists local lab codes for STI results. These codes are imported as part of the STRIVE project.

If the codes are sent by the lab in electronic HL7 results, Communicare will interpret the abnormality flag as a result for the specified qualifier.

Investigations With Linked Qualifiers Lists investigations that trigger qualifier collection.

This information is relevant for the STRIVE project.

Investigations Without Keywords Lists any enabled investigations that have no keywords attached. These terms cannot be found using the keyword search until they have at least one keyword attached.

Use File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Investigation Keywords to add a keyword to these investigations.

Localities Not in Health Service Area Lists the locality names of any localities in which current patients live that are not included in the Locality Group called Health Service Area. The report is ordered by the number of current patients living in each locality.

Use this query to verify that the Health Service Area locality group includes all localities covered by your Health Service.

Localities with an asterisk are preferred localities.

Locality Group Analysis Lists all localities with a postcode between two values showing which are in which locality group. Up to eighteen locality groups are considered.

Use this report to check that your Health Service Area and other locality groups are comprehensively defined.

Localities with an asterisk are preferred localities.

Refer to for maps with postcode boundaries.

Locality Groups Lists all Locality Groups along with the Localities that are included in each group.
MBS Items Lists all short-listed MBS Items along with their long and short descriptions.

Use this report to check that appropriate short descriptions have been given to each MBS Item.

MBS Items Added Lists all MBS Items added in the last import along with their long and short descriptions.

Use this report to check that appropriate short descriptions and short-listing has been given to each MBS Item you may wish to short-list.

Non-ICPC Central Items Details of non-ICPC2 Central items.
Numeric Qualifiers Lists numeric qualifiers ordered by units and name.

Use it to check for qualifiers that may need converting to central qualifiers.

Numeric Qualifiers - Central Lists Central numeric qualifiers, with details.

This report shows all qualifiers that can be automatically extracted from HL7 pathology results as well as other centrally maintained numeric qualifiers.

LOINC codes are recorded on incoming HL7 pathology results and are recorded in Communicare as qualifiers. This report lists the LOINC codes included in qualifiers & the units used.

Preferred Localities Lists all localities that have been marked as Preferred. It is useful to help keep the list of preferred localities as short as possible, because it simplifies Patient address entry.
Private Billing Items Lists all Private Billing Items along with their private billing type, code, description, taxable status, and if applicable, their MBS number and fee.

Use this report to check which fee schedule items exist under which billing types.

This report can also be exported to Excel.

Providers List by Specialty Lists providers includes in the Providers reference table, including their speciality.

Providers who have recorded no activity in the last 60 days are marked. Use this information to disable inactive providers.

Providers with Numbers Lists all providers with a HPI-I, a DOH provider number or a DOH prescriber number.
Qualifier Type Usage Analyses the usage of qualifier types. Use to detect which qualifiers have been used and how often.

A date of 01-JAN-1990 means that the qualifier was created before auditing of the creation details. The default user for such qualifiers is ADMINISTRATOR.

Quick Access Button Items Lists all the items that are set to appear on quick access buttons in the clinical record.

The Communicare Administrator can add items and buttons by adding a keyword starting with $ to the clinical item. For example, an item with a keyword of $Check up appears on a button labelled Check up.

The keyword $IxRecall adds the item as a recall onto the button for adding recalls when reviewing investigation results.

The keyword $Recall adds items as a recall to the Add Manual Recall button in the clinical record.

Recalls Disabled by Central Data Update Lists Automated Recall Types that have been disabled by the central data update.

To do so it makes several assumptions and may list some extraneous records. Examine the SQL in the report editor to see the full selection criteria.

Use this report to find recalls that may need to be enabled again following a central data update.

Reports and Comments Lists all reports and their comments.
Reports SQL Code Lists all the SQL code for SQL reports.
System Codes and Rule Codes Administrators can run this report to list all system codes and rule codes attached to clinical items and system codes attached to qualifiers. Export codes are also included.
System Parameters Lists the main system parameters for this database.

Use it whenever you need to find out which modules are enabled.

Text Shortcuts Lists all current text shortcuts that may be used in progress notes and letter writing.

Use this report to give to Communicare users as a guide to shortcuts.