User Groups reports

Report on user groups.

Only administrators can run these reports.
Table 1. User Groups reports
Report > User Groups Description
Default Settings Shows default place, mode, program and provider for all users who still have a logon and have logged on at least once.

Administrators can use this report to make sure that default settings are appropriate.

Formulary Rights Grid Shows the formulary rights for each user group in the form of a grid for easy interpretation and management.
Program Rights Grid Shows the program rights for each user group in the form of a grid for easy interpretation and management.
System Rights Grid Shows the system rights for each user group in the form of a grid for easy interpretation and management.
Usernames Lists all usernames with access to Communicare sorted by user group and active status.

The report shows the number of days each user has logged on to Communicare in the last 60 days and the total number of users.

Viewing Rights Grid Shows the viewing rights for each user group in the form of a grid for easy interpretation and management.