HACC reporting

Run the HACC reports to generate files containing information relating to HACC.

To display the HACC reports, select Report > HACC.
Table 1. CHSP reports
Report Description
Client list Lists all clients enrolled in the HACC program at the selected reference date.

Use internally to find clients who are in the HACC or should be exited from the program.

Full query

Administrators only

This report is based on the Quarterly extract and can be used as the basis for any other HACC reporting based on the same data.

This query does not increment the transmission number.
The report layout does not fit on the screen. Use Advanced or Export if you want to see all the data.
Quarterly extract

Administrators only

Produces the quarterly HACC extract for WA. It may take a long time to run and is not designed for on-screen display.

Only run this report to produce the quarterly extract for WA.
If you have the Report Scheduler configured, use it to generate the extract at the end of each quarter and send it as a CSV file. (A schedule should have been created when this report was installed. If so, modify the recipients and enable it.)
Quarterly extract (Victoria)

Administrators only

Produces the quarterly HACC extract for Victoria. It may take a long time to run and is not designed for on-screen display.

It complies with Transmission Protocol HACC MDS v2.0.1 Modified for Victoria.

Only run this report to produce the quarterly extract for Vic.
If you have the Report Scheduler configured, use it to generate the extract at the end of each quarter and send it as a CSV file. (A schedule should have been created when this report was installed. If so, modify the recipients and enable it.)

Administrators only

Produces a list of patients whose data would be submitted to HACC for the specified period. The extract sent to HACC does not contain names, so this report can also be used to match the SLK (Statistical Linkage Key) to real names.

Run this report just before the Quarterly extract to ensure that the expected patients are included.

Time Analysis Use to track time spent servicing HACC clients. Time is totalled for each category in which HACC time has been recorded.
To manually extract the performance data from Communicare:
  1. In WA, select Report > HACC > Quarterly extract.
  2. In Victoria, select Report > HACC > Quarterly extract (Victoria).
  3. Click Save iconYes.
  4. Fill in the parameters.
    For all reports, use the Age Filter when you want to include only HACC clients who are under 50 or under 65 and not Aboriginal. Patients with no date of birth are not included unless the filter is set to All clients.
  5. Once the report is displayed on the screen, click Save Report.
  6. Select a suitable folder on your computer and enter a meaningful name.
    For Victoria, the name should be HACC__ + 5 digit agency_identifier + 4 digit year + quarter number + transmission number (zero padded)+ 01.csv. There must be exactly 20 characters before .csv. For example, HACC__01234200630101.csv.
  7. Change the Save as type to Comma Separated(*.CSV) and click Save.

In Victoria, send the CSV file to haccmds.data@dhs.vic.gov.au.