S100 Order Details

Use the S100 Order Details window to edit and save changes to the S100 order, track the order through the Order statuses and finalise the order. You can save a draft order and return later to complete the order.

Adding new S100 orders

To add a new order:
  1. Select File|S100 Management|S100 Orders.
  2. In the toolbar, click + Add.
  3. In the 'S100 Order Details' window, a draft order is created. The draft order lists all S100 prescriptions that have been created for your encounter place that have been printed.
  4. In the 'Supplier' field:
    1. Click the ellipsis (...).
    2. In the 'Account for the Supplier' window, enter search criteria for your preferred supplier and select them in the list. Only suppliers listed in the Address Book as suppliers are listed. If your preferred supplier is missing, add them. See Address Book for information on how to do this.
    3. Click 'Select Addesses'.
  5. In the 'Notes' field, enter any relevant notes.
  6. In the 'Qty ordered' field for each patient and medication, enter the required quantity.
  7. Click 'Finalise & Print'.


The order is listed in the S100 Orders window with a status of 'Finalised', the Ordered date and an Order ID. Finalised orders cannot be edited.

After you have finalised an order, you can create another draft order.

Recording orders received

When you receive your S100 order from the pharmacy, record the medications received.

To record as order received:
  1. Select File|S100 Management|S100 Orders.
  2. In the S100 Orders list, double-click the order.
  3. In the 'S100 Order Details' window, in the 'Qty received' field for each patient and medication, enter the medication quantity received from the pharmacist.
  4. If the order is not yet complete, click 'Save and Close'.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 until the order is complete.
  6. If the order is complete, click 'Fill & Complete' and 'Yes' to confirm.


The status of the order in the S100 Orders window is changed to 'Filled & Complete' and the Order received date is included.

Fields on the S100 Order Details form
  • Order ID (Read Only) - a system generated order ID that identifies an order
  • Order Created (Read Only) - the date that the draft order was created
  • Ordered Date (Read Only)- the date that the draft order was finalised
  • Order Received (Read Only) - the date that the fulfilled order was received from the Pharmacist (filled and completed)
  • Order Cancelled (Read Only) - populated for an order that has been cancelled
  • Encounter Place (Read Only)
  • Status - displayed at the top of the window and highlighted to reflect the current state of the form:
    • Draft - order quantities can still be edited in this state
    • Finalised - no changes are allowed to the finalised order
    • Filled and Complete - the state after the order has been received from the Pharmacist and the quantities have been updated
    • Cancelled - displayed when a draft order has been cancelled
  • Supplier (editable in Draft status only) - the Pharmacist who supplies the medication to the encounter place. Supplier is a mandatory value. Once the supplier is selected, the Finalised button is enabled.
  • Notes - editable in any state of the order and fulfill process
The following details are displayed for an order:
  • Medication - details of the medication and DAA linked to a patient
    • For a DAA, follow the to select and view the contents of the DAA
    • Select 'None' to display the medication name and dosage for any other additional medication that has been prescribed using the DAA type selection
  • Qty in stock (Read Only) - the quantity of medication or DAA that the encounter place has in inventory stock.
  • Qty ordered (Editable in Draft status only) - the quantity that the user wants to order
  • Qty received (Editable only in Finalised state) - the quantity the encounter place received from the pharmacist
  • Notes - notes specific to that line

S100 Order Stages

Draft - a new order that is not yet finalised. There can be only one order in Draft state per encounter place. The order can be:
  • Saved in the draft state to be resumed & edited later. A unique order ID is generated when you save the draft order.
  • Cancelled if it was saved previously.
Finalised - an order which has been finalised and is ready to be sent to the supplier. An Order cannot be finalised until a supplier is selected. Once finalised:
  • Order details and quantity ordered cannot be changed
  • Ordered date is populated
  • Order can be printed, either for records or so it can be faxed or scanned & sent to the supplier. Printed Orders won't show the medications with order quantity 0.
  • Order cannot be cancelled
  • You can record the Received Qty when you receive the supply of the order. Once the order supply is received, click 'Insert Received Qty' to automatically fill the Received Qty for all medications with the Order Qty for each record.
Filled & Complete - after the received quantity is recorded, click 'Fill & Complete' to flag the order as complete and update the S100 inventory stock quantities with the Received Qty. On Filled & Complete:
  • Order received date is populated
  • Order cannot be cancelled.
Cancelled - only saved draft orders can be cancelled. Once cancelled:
  • Order cannot be edited further except for order 'Notes' which can still be modified and saved
  • Orders cannot be reinstated, the user must create a new order
  • Order cancelled date is populated