S100 Orders

Use the S100 Orders window to view and manage orders related to a specific encounter place.

To filter the order list, select Encounter Place and select any encounter place marked for S100 use. The default is the encounter place displayed in the Communicare main toolbar.

When an order is created it excludes the following:
  • Scripts that are not valid
  • Scripts that have not been printed
  • Expired medication
  • Expired scripts
  • Medication History items
  • Medications that have been stopped
  • Medications with verbal orders
  • Medications for Deceased patients
  • Medications for Fictitious patients

There can be only one draft order at a time.

Adding new S100 orders

To add a new order:
  1. Select File|S100 Management|S100 Orders.
  2. In the toolbar, click + Add.
  3. In the 'S100 Order Details' window, select a supplier and the required medication quantity.

Updating orders received

When you receive your S100 order from the pharmacy, record the medications received.

To record as order received:
  1. Select File|S100 Management|S100 Orders.
  2. In the S100 Orders list, double-click the order.
  3. In the 'S100 Order Details' window, in the 'Qty received' field.


The following columns are displayed in an S100 Orders list:
  • Status - the state of the order. Status can be one of the following:
    • Draft - order quantities can still be edited in this state
    • Finalised - no changes are allowed to the finalised order
    • Filled and Complete - the state after the order has been received and the quantities have been updated
    • Cancelled - displayed when a draft order has been cancelled
  • Created Date - the date that the draft order was created.
  • Ordered Date - the date that the order was finalised
  • Received date - the date that the order was received (filled and completed)
  • Supplier - the Pharmacist who supplies the medication to the Encounter place.
  • Notes - the Order notes