Certificate Parameters

The Certificate Parameters is displayed when the user edits an existing certificate or attempts to add a new certificate from the Certificate Maintenance window.

Table 1. Certificate parameters
Field Description
Name The unique name of the certificate
Certificate The certificate file to load into Communicare
Password The password for the certificate
Certificate Type The type of the certificate.
Description The description for the certificate.

Certificate Types

The type of the certificate can be one of the following:
  • NASH Org Certificate
    • NASH PKI Certificate for Healthcare Provider Organisation.
    • This certificate is used to authenticate a user when accessing the My Health Record (My Health Record) repository.
    • This certificate contains a HPI-O to identify the organisation that the certificate was issued to.
  • HI Org Certificate
    • Department of Human Services PKI Site Certificate for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service access.
    • This certificate is used to authenticate a user when accessing the HI Service.

When the 'Save' button is clicked, the certificate will be validated to make sure that the password is the correct password for the certificate. Furthermore, if the Certificate contains a HPI-O, it is parsed and stored along side the certificate in Communicare.