Clinical Item Groups
Clinical Item Groups define collections of Clinical Item Types that have some common characteristic.
Groups can be very useful for analysing Clinical Data or setting up recalls. For example, a group could be created to link all Endocrine related diseases. The Endocrine Group could then be used to report or analyse all Endocrine related diseases in a single step, rather than reporting each disease separately.
Any number of groups may be defined and a Clinical Item Type may belong to any number of groups.
- Black - ICPC-2 PLUS terms
- Blue - other items distributed by Communicare
- Purple - local terms
- Select .
In the Clinical Item Type Group Maintenance window, click
Add row.
- In the new row, add a clinical item group name.
Ellipsis and in the Group Definition window, add a description for the group and click OK.
The Clinical Item Group is created. Now add a Clinical Item Type to the group.
Adding Clinical Item Types to Groups
- Select .
- On the Groups tab, in the Locate field, enter the group to which you want to add the Clinical Item Type.
- Set members for this group.
Clinical Item Group Keywords
Some reports in Communicare use the clinical item groups browser. Add Clinical Item Group Keywords to help you locate clinical item groups.
- Select .
Define your keywords in the upper grid and associate these keywords with
groups using the bottom grid.
There are restrictions on the editing of ICPC-2 PLUS groups and group keywords, but you can add local keywords to an ICPC-2 PLUS group, and add ICPC-2 PLUS keywords to a local group.