System Parameters - MeHR

Use the MeHR tab to set MeHR details.

Use the MeHR tab to configure how Communicare interacts with MeHR.

The MeHR module interacts with the Northern Territory's MeHR implementation and supports the My Electronic Health Record. From the Clinical Record, Communicare:
  • Sends Event Summaries from every consultation to MeHR
  • Sends Current Health Profiles for a patient
  • Gets the current patient registration status with MeHR. Only registered patients can have their data sent to MeHR.
  • Displays current shared clinical data for the patient from MeHR. Only registered clinicians can access this data.

All clinicians must be registered with MeHR to access patient clinical data from MeHR.

Some MeHR features will not be available if the MeHR to My Health Record Transition module is enabled.

Table 1. MeHR tab System Parameters
Parameter Description
General settings
  • MeHR HSD ID - repository address ID for secure messaging
  • Use initial Current Health Profile (CHP) - set to display the first CHP for every client
  • Current Health Profile sends all Events - set to send all prior events with the CHP
  • 'Send to MeHR' popup prompt - set to prompt users to send patient details to meHR rather than sending automatically
Advanced settings
  • Notify of Medical Changes feature - set to receive notifications from MeHR for patient your patients whose details have changed, if your organisation is their home health centre
  • Patient Search on Add Patient - set to search the MeHR repository in addition to the Communicare database when you add a new patient
  • Use HRN in MeHR matching - set to include the patient's HRN when requesting data from MeHR
  • eMessage Timeout (seconds) - enter a period in seconds, to wait for a response from MeHR before timing out

The MeHR Help Desk phone number is 08 8973 8642.