Combined Address Book

The combined address book stores local address book entries and allows you to search multiple, online provider directories.

To display the address book, select File > Address Book (CTRL+ALT+B). Use the address book:
  • To search the local address book
  • To search online provider directories
  • To add addresses to the local address book, either manually or from the online provider directories
  • To add an addressee to a letter, referral or clinical item
  • For Secure Messaging if the addressee is linked to an SMD vendor

In V22.2 and later, Communicare can use the Secure Message Exchange and CCareQueue_SMD to search online provider directories (SMD vendors), including Argus and HealthLink, and to send and receive secure messages using HL7 V2.4 or HL7 V2.3.1.

If you have the Address Book Maintenance system right, you can insert, update or delete records from the address book, including if you are redirected from a letter, referral, clinical item and so on.

Before users can search the online provider directories, the combined address book must be configured. For more information, see Address Book configuration.