Data Models

Models are a set of related tables which form a group.

For example, the Services data model contains the tables: Service, Provider, Assistant, Encounter Place and Encounter Mode. All of these tables are needed to run a Service related query.

Communicare provides the following predefined data models. You cannot create or save your own models in Query Builder.
  • Appointment
  • AppointmentTemplate
  • ClinicalRecord
  • Demographics
  • Services
  • Users
To open a model:
  1. In the Query Builder, select File > Open Model.
  2. Select the required model.

After you open a data model, in the Query Builder window one or more relevant tables are displayed in the top section and the selection Query Grid is displayed in the bottom section.

You can add additional tables or remove existing tables if required, however they will change only for this session and the model will revert to its original configuration when closed.
You can add tables only if they are related. If two tables are related a line appears between the two windows in the Query Builder window. If this link does not appear, your query will probably require an additional table.
There is no Query set, this is for you to determine.