Investigations can be requested by a provider from within a patient's clinical record. Use the Investigation reference table to define investigations.
New investigations can be created and existing investigations disabled or updated.
To add a new investigation:
- Select .
- In the Investigation window, click
- In the blank row:
- In the Investigation field, enter the name of the new investigation. Start the investigation name with an uppercase letter to ensure it appears in the correct sort position.
- From the Investigation Sub-Type list, select a subtype, for example Biochemistry.
- In the Site field, enter a site if required, for example serum.
- Leave the Ext. Code and Ext. Code Type fields blank. These columns relate to the initial import of pathology types and are no longer required.
- For commonly used investigations, set Short Listed, so that they appear in the short list in the request window and can be easily selected.
- If you want the investigation to be available immediately, set Enabled.
- Click
Add at least one keyword to each investigation so that it can be found by clinicians.
Also include any common abbreviations used for the investigation
as keywords.
- Select .
- In the Keyword grid, select a suitable keyword, or add a new keyword if there is nothing suitable.
- In the Investigation grid, add the investigation you just created.
- Repeat steps 2-3 until you've added all suitable keywords.
- Click
For more information, see Investigation Keywords.