Investigation Keywords

Investigations that are commonly ordered together can be grouped in Communicare using investigation keywords.

To display the list of investigations grouped by keyword, select File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Investigation Keywords.

Investigation keywords are used throughout Communicare. For example:
  • From Pathology iconPathology or Imaging iconImaging in the clinical record, clinicians can use the investigation keyword to search for a set of investigations.
  • Administrators can add an investigation keyword as a qualifier to a clinical item so that clinicians can order all investigations with a particular investigation keyword from the clinical item.
    Do not mix pathology and imaging in one investigation keyword. If you do, clinicians will have to edit any request that uses that keyword because pathology and imaging investigations use different request forms.

AHC investigation request in Check up;Aboriginal & TSI adult clinical item

The Check up;Aboriginal & TSI adult clinical item includes a Pathology iconRequest Investigation button for Adult Health Check test request. When clinicians click this button, the associated tests are automatically selected in the Add Investigation Request window.
Example investigations associated with a clinical item
How these tests are associated with the clinical item:
  • In File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Investigation Keywords, the investigation keyword AHC is created which groups the relevant investigations.
    These are all pathology tests only.

    Example investigation keyword and its investigations
  • In File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Qualifier Types, the Adult Health Check test request qualifier type is created and the AHC investigation Keyword is added to it. It is also give a Value Type of Investigation Request.
    Example qualifier type using AHC investigation keyword
  • In File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Clinical Item Types > Keywords & Qualifiers tab, the Adult Health Check test request qualifier type is added to the clinical item.
    Example AHC investigation request added to clinical item