Medication Summary

The Medication Summary displays all active medications, including once-off or regular medications prescribed to the patient, supplied, administered, or added to their medication history.

The Medication Summary is an overview of the patient’s medication profile. Medications associated with restricted viewing or program rights may not be visible to users who do not have the appropriate viewing rights or program access.

Clinicians should always confirm that the medications listed on a patient’s Medication Summary are an accurate representation of the medications that the patient is currently prescribed.

If prescribing is enabled for your organisation, and you have Medication View and Prescribing rights, you can repeat, edit or stop medications from the Medication Summary.

The Medication Summary icon changes according to its content, but is not affected by Medication History items.
  • - white background, there are no medications on this tab
  • - red background, some regular medications have expired
  • - green background, there are medications listed and no regular medications have expired
To jump to the Medication Summary from the main toolbar, select Medication > Medication Summary or press SHIFT+CTRL+F9.

Current and regular medications codes

Icons and codes are displayed to the left of the medications listed, indicating the status of that medication.
Example icons in Medication Summary
The icons and codes are also described in the legend at the bottom of the Medication Summary tab.
  • Medication type:
    • Regular medication iconRegular Medication - any medication that the patient would be expected to take continually and set as Regular Medication when prescribing, generally for a chronic disease. Regular medications are always listed on the Medication Summary until they are explicitly stopped because they are no longer clinically required.
    • Once off medicationOnce Off Medication - any medication for acute clinical presentations that the patient will take until the prescribed course is complete and set as Once off/Short Course when prescribing. Once off medications are no longer displayed on the Medication Summary after they have passed their until date because they are no longer current.
    • Stopped or represcribed iconStopped or Represcribed Medication - stopped or represcribed regular medication, either manually because it is no longer clinically required, or automatically because a new regular medication is prescribed that matches the initial medication.

      Represcribed medications are prefixed with <Represcribed date>.

      Stopped medications are prefixed with <Stopped date> and are displayed in grey text.

      Manually stopped medications are displayed on the Medication Summary until they reach their until date. Automatically stopped medications remain listed in the Medication Summary for the rest of the day and are then removed.

    • Expired regular medication iconExpired Regular Medication - expired regular medication that has passed its until date. Expired regular medication should be represcribed or stopped. It remains listed in the Medication Summary until it is stopped.
    • Medication History - all medication records added to the patient's clinical record using Medication History. These records are prefixed with <History>. You cannot prescribe, print or issue repeats for historical scripts.
  • Medication Status: Print iconFinalise - if the medication is not yet finalised, the Finalise icon is displayed and no script number or medication type is listed.
  • Verbal order:
    • Verbal order, unreviewed - unreviewed verbal orders.
    • Verbal order, reviewed - reviewed verbal orders.
  • Notes: Notes - comments are included in the Internal Comments field of the prescription.

Other information

The following information is also displayed for medications where relevant:
  • Script No. - displays the type of medication, one of:
    Example medication types in the Medication Summary
    • For prescriptions, after the prescription is finalised, the #script_number is displayed
    • For medication orders, Order is displayed
    • For medication history items, History is displayed
  • Date - the date on which the medication was prescribed, ordered or added as a history item
  • Until - the date calculated from the duration, after which the medication expires in Communicare. The duration is calculated from the total number of packs together with repeats, assuming that each pack lasts 1 month, to a maximum of 12 months.
    • For regular medications, if the until date specified when the medication was prescribed has passed, the background of the Until date field is coloured red.
    • For regular medications with fewer than 28 days left on the prescription, the background of the Until date field is coloured gold to remind you to represcribe the medication to ensure that the patient has enough supply of the medication.
    • For once-off and short course medications with fewer than 28 days left, the background of the Until date field is coloured gold.
    • Once off or short course medications are removed from the Medication Summary when the until date has passed.
  • Repeat, Edit, View, Stop - links to actions you can perform on the medications
  • Medication - the medication prescribed, ordered or recorded as a history item. For more information about the layout, see Active Ingredient Prescribing.
  • Route - the route of administration for the medication
  • Dosage - the dosage or DAA specified for a prescription.
  • Order Instructions - the order instructions specified for a medication order.
  • Last Supplied and Qty Supplied - the date on which the medication was last supplied from imprest and the number and type of units that were supplied
  • Last Administered and Qty Administered - the date on which the medication was last administered to the patient and the number and type of units that were administered.
  • ePrescription Status - the most recent prescription format and send status for an ePrescription:
    • Sent SMS | Sent Email | Sent Printed Token - the ePresciption was successfully sent
    • Resend SMS | Resend Email | Resend Printed Token - the ePresciption was successfully sent again
    • If the ePrescription was stopped or deleted in Communicare:
      • Cancel Created - the medication was stopped or cancelled in Communicare by the user
      • Cancel Initiated - a cancellation or cease message has been sent to eRx, but no response has yet been received
      • Cancel Successful - the cancellation or cessation was successful
    • Cancel Failed | Cancel Failed - PDS unavailable - the cancellation or cessation failed
You can sort the data based on a particular column: in the column header, click Sort iconSort. The column being used to sort the data displays the Column sort iconSort icon. To revert to the default sorting, right-click and select Reset Normal Ordering.

You can also reorder the columns as required. Click a column header and drag and drop it in the required location. The new column order is unique to your login and is applied to all patient records that you open in the future. To reset the column order, in the Medication Summary, right-click and select Reset Column Ordering to Default.


DAA type

You can set a default Dosage Administration Aid (DAA) type for a patient so that when you prescribe a medication, the patient's preferred DAA type is selected automatically. Set the patient's preferred DAA type in Medication Summary > DAA Type field.
Example default DAA Type

Pickup location

If you use medication requests or consolidated orders, you can set the location from which the medication will be supplied to a patient after it has been fulfilled. Select the patient's preferred location from the Medication Summary > Pickup Location field.
Example pickup location field

To clear the pickup location, click Clear.

Displaying all medications

The full list of a patient's medication for all time is displayed on the Detail tab. This list includes expired once off and short course medications and stopped regular medications.

Medications associated with restricted viewing or program rights to which the user does not have access are not displayed.

To display all medications, in the Detail tab, set View Clinical Items by Class and select the Rx - Prescription tab.