Social & Family History

Use the Social & Family History iconSocial & Family History tab on the Summary in the clinical record to manage the patient's social and family history.

Any information added to the Social & Family History clinical item type is summarised on the Social & Family History tab.

You can provide updates in the Social & Family History clinical item to the Social history or Relevant family history qualifiers or directly in the Social & Family History tab. All updates are displayed in both the tab and the Social & Family History clinical item. If a Social & Family History clinical item doesn't already exist for the patient, it is added.

To refresh the information displayed on the tab, change to another tab and back again.
When the clinical item is created, it uses the current date instead of the date of the service. This means that even if the date of the service is changed to a past date when updating the history, Communicare creates a clinical item with today's date.