Tackling Smoking Reporting

Tackling Smoking reports include information captured in the clinical items enabled with the Tackling Smoking dataset.

To be included in the reports, any local clinical item that is an indication of patient involvement in tobacco use services or QUIT workshops should belong to a clinical item group named Tobacco use services or QUIT Workshops respectively.
Tackling Smoking reports are found in the Report menu:
  • Clients and Smoking: This report looks at all client contacts between two dates and indicates if a smoking matter was recorded. The data is disaggregated by provider type. Smoking matters include:
    • The recording of a smoking status qualifier (identified by the system codes of SMO or SMP); or
    • The recording of a clinical item that belongs to the 'Tobacco use service' group or the 'Quit workshops' group.
  • Export Report: This report is designed for export to Excel and shows all Tacking Smoking review items with their referral data.
  • Patients with ongoing support: This report identifies all clients who have had at least one Tackling Smoking review or follow up item recorded between two dates and further indicates those with a further item recorded within three months of another. The report includes subsequent items recorded after the last date of the report but not those recorded before the first date of the report.