Clone a Clinical Item
You can make copy of an existing clinical item and customise it for your health service.
- In the Clinical Item Types Maintenance window, right-click
the required item and select Clone Selected Item.
The new clinical item is identical to the original in every way but is inactive. You can only enable it by either disabling the item you cloned from or by renaming the new item.
- Rename the cloned item and change it to suit your needs. Note:You can't change the class of a cloned item.
You can also use this function when you want to modify a Central item in some way: clone the Central item, disable the Central item, enable and edit your local copy. When naming your local item, you should append something unique to your description, such as the initials of the clinic. This approach helps you identify your local items and prevents any potential future naming conflicts with Communicare Central items.
- During a Communicare update, the Central import would find your item and disable it to allow the Communicare item to be added in an enabled state. You would need to disable our item and enable yours again in this case.
- If your local item is identical to the Communicare Central item with the same name and same qualifiers, the update would overwrite your local item with the Communicare Central item. You would not know this had happened unless you went to make further changes to your local item after the event. At this stage you would need to clone it again.
- If your local item is different from the Communicare Central item with the same name but different qualifiers, the update would leave the item as-is and ask you what you want to do. If your local item has a different name from any in Central, it is left as-is.