PI 03 - Regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715 or any equivalent such as 228, 92004, 92016, 92011 or 92023) was claimed

Proportion of regular clients who received an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715 or any equivalent such as 228, 92004, 92016, 92011 or 92023).


Proportion of Indigenous regular clients who are either:
  • Aged 0-14 years and who have received an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within the previous 12 months
  • Aged 15 years and over and who have received an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within the previous 24 months


  • User may select between AIHW's definition of Regular Client (attended the OATSIH-funded primary health care service at least 3 times in 2 years), or Communicare's Current Patient status.
  • Patients must be recorded as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both.
  • A patient is deemed to have received an MBS Health Assessment if a service has the MBS item selected for claiming, regardless of whether it has been submitted or paid.
Table 1. NKPI PI 03
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > National KPI > PI03 Health Checks
  • Report > National KPI > PI03 Health Checks Patients
Numerator A documented 715 (or any equivalent such as 228, 92004, 92016, 92011 or 92023) claim for a service within one year (0-14 year olds) or two years (15+ year olds) of the end of the report period is required. For more information, see Medicare claims.
Denominator Regular, Indigenous patients as of the end of the report period.
Additional data recording considerations none