Selecting a template

Use the Select Document Template window to select a template when creating a document or writing a letter.

If you open the letter writer from the clinical record, you can choose from existing templates.

To find a particular template, in the Search Text field, enter part of the template name you are looking for. Communicare will filter the templates as you type.

If you want to provide patient-specific information in a letter or referral, create it from the clinical record: click Letter buttonLetter. Encounter place and mode, patient details, and provider details are filled in automatically.

Alternatively, create a blank letter using one of the following methods:
  • Select File > Documents > Write New Letter
  • Select File > Documents > Browse Documents, and on the Outgoing Documents tab, click Write a new letter iconWrite a new letter
  • Click Documents and Results buttonDocuments and Results and on the Outgoing Documents tab, click Write a new letter iconWrite a new letter