Send eReferrals

Communicare can create and send eReferrals in the CDA format compliant with eHealth standards in Australia.

An eReferral is a referral of a subject of care such as a patient or client from one health care provider to another.
eReferral CDA document data sections:
  • Referee - the specialist to whom the patient is being referred, populated from the Provider referred to field in the Referral class clinical item.
  • Medical History - the past and current medical history of the patient, including problem and diagnosis, and any medical or surgical procedures recorded in their clinical record, populated from any procedure and condition clinical class items recorded on the main summary screen.
  • Medications - current medications recorded in Communicare. See Medication Summary.
  • Adverse Reactions - lists any adverse reactions recorded for the patient in Communicare. See Clinical Record - Summary Tab.
  • Diagnostic Investigations - contains any investigation results for investigations that were received and matched to the patient's record in the 30 days prior to the referral date.
To create and send an eReferral:
  1. Open the clinical record for the patient for whom you want to create an eReferral.
  2. Create a Referral class clinical item. Search for the keyword referrals.
  3. Add the required details.
  4. Click Save & Create eReferral.
  5. The View eReferral window displays the required information based on the data entered in the eReferral clinical item.
    1. Use the tree to exclude any clinical information listed that is not relevant, or needs to be excluded from the document.
    2. In the Details panel at the bottom of the window, from the To field select a document recipient.
    3. When ready, save, print, or upload to My Health Record.
    4. Send the eReferral securely using Secure Messaging. Click Send Secure.
    5. Click Save and Upload to My Health Record. If you have previously uploaded an eReferral, set Supersede to replace the previous My Health Record document with a new document from Communicare.