GRT output files
The Government Reporting Tool produces the following files.

File | Purpose |
HcpItems.csv | A list of providers |
NkpiCountMeasures.csv | A count of the total number of clients included for each KPI |
NkpiPercentageMeasurePatients.csv | The numerator, denominator and percentage for each KPI, that is the underlying data. This is equivalent to the nKPI Patients Report in Communicare. |
OsrCountMeasures.csv | Counts for operational services |
system\Manual - HCP - Org.xml | This file is used if it’s necessary to manually upload the HCPs to the Health Data Portal using the Department of Health website. |
system\Manual - NKPI - Org.xml | This file is used if it’s necessary to manually upload the nKPIs to the Health Data Portal using the Department of Health website. |
system\Manual - OSR - Org.xml | This file is used if it’s necessary to manually upload the OSRs to the Health Data Portal using the Department of Health website. |