OSR CS-1 - Clinical Services CS-1 How many Episodes of Care were provided by your organisation during the Financial Year?

How many episodes of health care were provided by your health service during year?


The report counts all services except:
  • Any no client contact service.
  • The contact service of Administration - client contact.
  • Waiting, Booked or Cancelled services.
  • Services provided by providers with a speciality of transport worker.
  • Services recorded using the Transport module.
  • Services recorded for fictitious clients.

If there are multiple services recorded on the same day, only one is counted for this report.

Table 1. OSR CS-01
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > OSR > CS-01 Episodes of Health Care
Business rules Described above.
Additional data recording considerations
Note: Currently there is no distinction between the encounter place or contact types for multiple services recorded on the same day.