PI 01 - Birthweight recorded
Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded.
- Birth weights are obtained from the infant's record.
- Birth weight may be recorded either in the infant's biographics or as a weight qualifier recorded on day of birth.
- All births in last 12 months are considered whether infant was a regular client or not.
- The infant must have at least one recorded visit to the health service.
Element | Description |
Communicare reports |
Numerator | A patient must have a birth weight recorded in either:
Denominator |
Additional data recording considerations |
If birth weight is not recorded on the biographics form but is recorded on the Birth details clinical item, this item must have the same date as the date of birth of the patient. To audit incorrect dates on this item, use the report at . |
This information relates to V17.1 of the Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting (Solving Health, Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V17.1. Sydney: Solving Health, August 2024). For more information, see https://www.solvinghealth.au/specifications.