PI 26 - Ear Health Check
Proportion of Indigenous regular clients ages 0-14 years who have a completed ear health check recorded.
- Appearance of both ear canals and eardrums
- Movement of both eardrums
- Appearance of both ear canals and ear drums and movement of both ear drums
Both ears should be checked; however, if a person has only one ear, only one ear can be checked. If there is detail in the patient record specific to only the left or right ear the patient will still be included in the relevant measure code.
- User may select between AIHW's definition of Regular Client (attended the OATSIH-funded primary health care service at least 3 times in 2 years), or Communicare's Current Patient status.
- Patients must be recorded as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both.
- Patients deceased at the end of the reporting period are not included.
Element | Description |
Communicare reports |
Numerator |
Denominator | Calculation A, B and C: total number of [Disaggregation: Gender] Indigenous regular clients aged [Disaggregation: Age]. |
Disaggregation |
Additional data recording considerations | - |
This information relates to V17.1 of the Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting (Solving Health, Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V17.1. Sydney: Solving Health, August 2024). For more information, see https://www.solvinghealth.au/specifications.