Ear Health Check Included Clinical Items

Use these Central clinical items for ear health conditions or procedures to capture evidence of an appearance or movement check to include in nKPI reporting for PI 26 Ear Health Checks.

Table 1. Ear Health Check Clinical Items
Group Clinical Item Code1 Appearance, Movement or Both
Otitis externa Otitis externa H70002 Both
Swimmers ear H70003
Otitis media Effusion;middle ear H72001 Both
Glue ear H72002
Otitis media H71003
Otitis media (with);effusion H72005
Otitis media;acute H71002
Otitis media;acute;no perforat H71020
Otitis media;acute;perforation H71021
Otitis media;chronic H74004
Otitis media;nonsuppurative H72003
Otitis media;perforated H71004
Otitis media;serous H72004
Otitis media;suppurative;acute H71009
Otitis media;suppurative;chron H74006
Myringitis Myringitis H71001 Appearance
Myringitis;chronic H74002
Inflammation;tympanic membra H71006
Tympanitis H71005
Perforation of tympanic membrane Perforation;ear drum H77002 Appearance
Perforation;tympanic membran H77001
Rupture(trauma/pres); eardrum H79003
Cholesteatoma Cholesteatoma H74005 Appearance
Otorrhoea Discharge;ear H04001 Appearance
Pus (from);ear H04002
Bleeding from Ear Bleeding;ear H05001 Appearance
Procedure Endoscopy;diagnostic;ear H40001 Appearance
Test;tympanometry H39007 Movement
Check up;complete;ear H30001 Both
Exam;complete;ear B H30002
Assessment;complete;hearing H30003
Myringotomy H51010
Grommet(s) H53003
Drainage tube(s);middle ear H53004
Myringoplasty H54006
Tympanoplasty H54007
Otorrhoea;tympanostomy tube H72007
Hearing loss Deafness H86003 Both
Deafness;sensorineural H86002
Deafness;mixed H86005
Deafness;conductive H86004
Problem;hearing H02006
Unable (to);hear H02001
Deaf mutism H86001
Disturbed;hearing H02002
Diminished;hearing H02003
Loss (of);hearing H02004
Deafness;partial;bilateral H86007
Deafness;total;bilateral H86008
Deafness;congenital H86009
Other ear health-related clinical items are excluded from nKPI reporting.
1 The code is a combination of the ICPC-2 PLUS Code and Term values.