PI 21 - CVD risk assessment result

Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment with results within specified levels.


Proportion of Indigenous regular clients, aged 35 to 74 and with no known history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), who have had an absolute CVD risk assessment recorded within the previous 24 months and whose CVD risk was categorised as one of the following:
  • High (greater than 15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years)
  • Moderate (10–15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years)
  • Low (less than 10% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years)


  • User may select between AIHW's definition of Regular Client (attended the OATSIH-funded primary health care service at least 3 times in 2 years), or Communicare's Current Patient status.
  • Patients must be recorded as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both.
  • Patients must have a sex and date of birth.
  • Patients must have a record of their cardiovascular risk (high, moderate or low) recorded within the previous 24 months. For the purpose of this report the cardiovascular risk needs to be recorded as a reference type qualifier or a numeric type qualifier with appropriate export or system codes:
    • For CARPA STM guidelines used by the NT for NKPI reporting, either of the following:
      • Reference type qualifier with an export code of CVR-R05C and dropdown references with system codes of H, M or L (for high, moderate or low)
      • Numeric type qualifier with units of % and an export code of CVR-N05C
      CARPA STM results will be adjusted for Aboriginal patients to remove the 5% loading and Aboriginal patients aged between 20 and 34 years are not included in this report.
    • For Framingham calculations, used by all states other than the NT, either of the following:
      • Reference type qualifier with an export code of CVR-R05F and dropdown references with system codes of H, M or L (for high, moderate or low)
      • Numeric type qualifier with units of % and an export code of CVR-N05F
    • The CVD Risk Calculator (AusCVDRisk) clinical item, used to capture the output of the online AUSCVDRisk calculator for the patient’s record, is not currently used for NKPI reporting.

Table 1. NKPI PI 21
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > National KPI > PI21 CVD Risk
  • Report > National KPI > PI21 CVD Risk Patients
Numerator For export codes used, see Qualifiers reference.

Regular, Indigenous patients aged 35 years and under 75 years old at the end of the report period with a CV risk assessment but without a CVD diagnosis.

For more information about condition codes, see CVD condition codes.

Additional data recording considerations Health services should determine if they are going to use the Framingham or CARPA calculator distributed with Communicare and consider disabling the one they do not use. This report will use Framingham scores as they are recorded but will remove the 5% loading that the CARPA calculation does for Indigenous patients before reporting. Also, see comments for PI 20.

This information relates to V17.1 of the Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting (Solving Health, Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V17.1. Sydney: Solving Health, August 2024). For more information, see https://www.solvinghealth.au/specifications.