Conditions Reports

Report on conditions recorded at your health service.

Table 1. Conditions reports
Report > Conditions Description
Conditions Report Lists patients who have a condition recorded. The standard report options determine which conditions are included in the report and other report characteristics. If a patient has two (or more) conditions recorded, they will appear twice (or more) in the report.
Diabetes and Hypertension Measures Lists the latest 'contact' service date, GFR, ACR, HBA1C and Cholesterol Ratio for all current patients who have a Diabetes or Hyertension diagnosis. HbA1c results recorded as percent are converted to mmol/mol.

The Diabetes diagnosis is determined by the clinical item group Diabetes (non-gestational). The hypertension diagnosis is determined by the clinical item group Hypertension (non-gestational).

Results that are more than 6 months old are asterisked. Non-contact services are ignored.

Use this report to help monitor the progress of diabetic and hypertensive patients.

First time diagnosis This report lists and counts the clients who have a diagnosis within a selected grouper for the first time during a selected period. Diagnoses considered are all those where there has been no previous one or any where the episode has been recorded as 'First'. Diagnoses recorded as 'Ongoing' are excluded.

Only current patients are included.

Use this report to measure disease incidence or to audit medical records.

Prevalence/Incidence Analysis Lists the prevalence and incidence of specified (or all) conditions. List conditions by condition, date range, locality, and age group.

Before providers can capture this information, Alcohol must be set on the File > System Parameters > Clinical tab.

Selected Topic Shows conditions recorded between two dates for a specified topic, including patient names or just a count.

For example, selecting 'Eye' will give you a count of conditions for eye diagnoses and complaints.

Services Waiting With Asthma Reports all patients who are currently 'waiting' (that is, they have arrived and have not yet been seen) who have ASTHMA.

This query can easily be adapted (if necessary), using SQL Report Editor to search for a different condition description.

Waiting With Selected Clinical Item Group This query reports all patients who are currently 'waiting' (that is, they have arrived and have not yet been seen) who have a condition belonging to a specified clinical item group.

Use it to identify waiting patients for specific targeting.