PIP Reports

Use the PIP report to generate Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement Measures.

The report extracts the following information:
  • Proportion of patients with diabetes with a current HbA1c result.
  • Proportion of patients with a smoking status.
  • Proportion of patients with a weight classification.
  • Proportion of patients aged 65 and over who were immunised against influenza.
  • Proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza.
  • Proportion of patients with COPD who were immunised against influenza.
  • Proportion of patients with an alcohol consumption status.
  • Proportion of patients with the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment.
  • Proportion of female patients with an up-to-date cervical screening.
  • Proportion of patients with diabetes with a blood pressure result.

For more information see https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/PIP-QI_Incentive_guidance.

Table 1. PIP reports
Report > PIP Description
Quality Improvement Measures Generates a JSON file for PIP QI upload.
To run the report:
  1. Click Save iconYes.
  2. Click Save iconOK.
  3. When the file has been generated:
    • From the Save as type field, select Text file (*.TXT)
    • Enter a File name ending in .json, for example, PIPQI_Report.json.
Alternatively, use the advanced settings:
  1. Click Advanced iconAdvanced.
  2. Click Save iconOK.
  3. When the file has been generated:
    1. Click Export data iconExport data.
    2. Click >> to select all data and click Next iconNext.
    3. Set ASCII and click Next iconNext.
    4. Remove the Field delimiter and enter a file name ending in .json. Click Next iconNext.
    5. Click Export.