Audit Logs Reports

Report on access to personal records.

Table 1. Audit logs reports
Report > Audit Logs Description
Biographics Checks Analysis

Analysis of biographics checks relative to services recorded.

The report counts any access to a patient's biographics (at any time within the report range) as a check and any service within the report range as a service. Only patients who have a service record are included.

If the service status of <All Services> is selected then all services are counted, including bookings (even if the patient did not attend), a contact service or a non-contact service. The option 'Only actual contact services' includes only contact services that actually started.

Tip: To confirm that biographics have been checked, in a patient's biographics, users should click Change Details and then either Review & Save or Cancel (if all details are still correct). A value of 100% means that clinic staff check biographic details for all patient services.
Biographics Reviewed on Service Date

shows all patients that presented for at least one contact service at a selected encounter place between two dates and shows if the biographics were reviewed, simply opened or neither.

Use this report to check the frequency with which staff are checking and reviewing patient biographics on presentation at that place.

Only patients who have a contact service and who are not fictitious are included.

Patients who have subsequently died are included. Patients with multiple services on a single day are reported only once.

The review is done by opening a patient's biographics and closing by clicking Review & Save. The review can be any time on theday of the service. If biographics were not reviewed but were opened, these services are also itemised (any user who opens biographics regardless of whether they closed the window using Review & Save, Save or Cancel is logged).

HI Service Access by patient Exports the access log for the HI Service into a CSV file.

The user can choose to output only the access log lines where errors were encountered.

HI Service Access Exports the access log for the HI Service into a CSV file.

The user can choose to output only the access log lines where errors were encountered.

Merged and Deceased Patients Shows details of the merging, deleting and deceasing of patients.

It shows the date of the action and the user that performed the action as well as details of the patient.

Patient record access by date Lists the users who accessed the clinical record by opening it or print/preview it in a period of time for patients living in a specific locality group.

The report lists date and time of action, username, type of action, patient name, patient DOB.

There is a count of services for each patient on the day of access. For users who accessed the record that left behind a progress note there is a note stating 'Note recorded'. If no note was left but the username is associated with a provider who performed a service on that day then the note states 'Included in service'.

Backdated services will appear as if there were no services for that patient on that day but there was a note left by the user.

Patient record access by patient Lists the users who accessed the clinical record by opening it or print/preview it in a period of time.

The report lists date and time of action, username, type of action, patient name, patient DOB.

There is a count of services for each patient on the day of access. For users who accessed the record that left behind a progress note there is a note stating 'Note recorded'. If no note was left but the username is associated with a provider who performed a service on that day then the note states 'Included in service'.

Backdated services will appear as if there were no services for that patient on that day but there was a note left by the user.

Patient record access by user Lists the users who accessed the clinical record by opening it or print/preview it in a period of time.

The report lists date and time of action, username, type of action, patient name, patient DOB.

There is a count of services for each patient on the day of access. For users who accessed the record that left behind a progress note there is a note stating 'Note recorded'. If no note was left but the username is associated with a provider who performed a service on that day then the note states 'Included in service'.

Backdated services will appear as if there were no services for that patient on that day but there was a note left by the user.

Patient status change Shows all changes (manual or automatic) to a patient's status recorded between two dates for patients living in a specific locality group.

Use this report to see who might be manually adjusting a patient's status or which changes have been made automatically according to the status change rules.