Population Analysis

Report on the demographics of your patients.

Table 1. Population Analysis reports
Report > Population Analysis Description
Aboriginality Chart Produces a pie chart of the patient population make-up analysed by Aboriginality.
Added to Communicare by Month Lists the number of new patients added to the Communicare database by year and month.

To count the number of patients belonging to a specific patient group, select that group (the option '<N/A>' will report zero).

Fictitious patients are excluded from this report, but no other account of patient status is made.

Age Groups 5 Yearly Gives an age sex breakdown of patients by 5 yearly age groups.

Use this report to gain an appreciation of your client population's age profile.

Select a client status to report, or report all statuses. Client age and status is evaluated as of the day the report is run.

Export the report to Microsoft Excel to easily create a graph of your population profile.

Age Groups Needs Analysis Gives an age sex breakdown of patients by 'Needs Analysis' age groups.
Age Groups SHE Gives an age sex breakdown of patients by SHE age groups.
Care Plan Count Counts the number of clients with and without a care plan.

Use this report to determine the proportion of clients who have care plans.

Clinical Item Group Count Count clients who have a clinical item within a selected clinical item group.

Use this report to determine the prevalence of a disease group.

This is a patient-based report. It will count patients once only, regardless of the number of times group clinical items have been recorded for the patient.

The report lists current patients only.

Count by Aboriginality Counts all patients by patient status and by Aboriginality.

There is an option to group by Communicare Patient Status, AIHW Client Status and Combine Status.

Deceased and fictitious patients are excluded.

Count by Locality Shows the number of current patients living in each locality for a selected client status or for all statuses.

Use this report to again an appreciation of the geographic distribution of where your clients live.

Count by Locality Group Shows the number of current patients whose address locality is in each locality group, by locality to give a dynamic look at which patient localities have been included in which locality group.

Run this query to detect localities that have not been included in the desired groups.

Count by Status Counts the number of patients in the database by current status and by sex. You are required to enter a reference date: use today for an up to date count.

If you use a reference date, the report will look at a patient's status and address on that day to compile the report.

Population Breakdown Analyses current patients only.

The results are organised by Aboriginality, locality, specified age group and sex.

With Clinical Item Analyses current patients with a specified clinical item added between two dates compared to the total population.

The results are organised by Aboriginality, locality, specified age group and sex.

With Clinical Item Group Analyses current patients with an item from a specified clinical item group added between two dates compared to the total population.

The results are organised by Aboriginality, locality, specified age group and sex.

With Qualifier Analyses current patients with a specified qualifier added between two dates compared to the total population.

The results are organised by aboriginality, locality, specified age group and sex.