Edit SQL Reports
Use the Edit SQL Reports window to edit SQL reports from within Communicare.
- Enabled - enables or disables the report.
- Viewing Rights - if a viewing right is selected, the report is available only to users who have the selected viewing right.
- System Rights - if a System Right is selected, the report is available only to users who have the selected system right.
Preparing an SQL report
SQL Reports can be prepared in the SQL Editor or your favourite text editor (e.g. Notepad).
The first comment included in the sql file should display the purpose of the report.
For example /* This report displays the home address of all patients
. The filename will be used by Communicare to display the report
within the Report menu. For example, when a new report is
imported with a filename of Clinical_Record_Reports Test.sql,
Test is added to .
Refer to Report Naming for more details.
Creating Parameters for SQL Reports
To create a parameter in an SQL report simply prefix a colon (:) to a parameter name. Be mindful that it is the parameter name (minus the colon and underscores) which will be displayed in the Report Parameters window as a user prompt.
where locality_name = :Count_patients_in_locality
and pat_sex = :Enter_M_or_F_for_gender
and date_of_birth > :Born_after
You can manually define the order in which the parameters are displayed in the Report Parameters window in the PARAMETERS section. The easiest way to do this is:
- Write the report.
- Make sure that the report runs, click Preview Query.
- Right-click on the SQL Editor form and click Insert parameters.
<PARAMETERS UseXMLDisplayCase=off >
<First_date order=1 />
<Last_date order=2 />
The Attribute UseXMLDisplayCase above will use the name as it is displayed
in the PARAMETERS section instead of how it is displayed in the SQL for the
Report Parameters window prompt. This can be turned on and
off by changing the value from 'off' to 'on' and back. In the XML, you can change
the CASE of the name but you cannot change the actual words without having to update
the SQL. This means FIRST_DATE
can be updated to
without having to update the SQL, but if it is
changed to Start_date
, any occurance of
in the report will need updated
Define default values, list or form parameters for SQL Reports
/* This report has a default date. */
select full_name
from patient
where date_of_birth >= :Report_date
If you want a parameter to have a Drop Down List so users can search for the items they want,you can use a special syntax to enable the feature in your report.
Every report has a comment block at the beginning of the report. You can have a second comment block with the Drop Down List Parameters.
/* This report will print Medicare Card details about one or all patients. */
/* This is the second comment block and is an example of how to use the
special Drop Down List
The way parameter names are displayed on the Parameters form can be changed by using the attribute named DISPLAYCASE or USEXMLDISPLAYCASE (see above for more detail on UseXMLDisplayCase) in the PARAMETERS section or DISPLAYNAME against the specific parameter in the PARAMETERS section. The Parameter USEXMLDISPLAYCASE overrides DISPLAYCASE, and DISPLAYNAME overrides everything.
DISPLAYNAME="insert new name here"
including the double quotes.
<PARAMETERS UseXMLDisplayCase=off >
<First_date order=1 DisplayName="First date to report" />
<Last_date order=2 />
DISPLAYCASE Attribute Value | Parameter Before | Displayed Parameter Name |
PROPER | REPORT DATE | Report Date |
LOWER | REPORT DATE | report date |
- CSV for forcing the report to be output to a Comma
Separated Value file and not seen visually
- RWS_ for forcing the report to be output to a Comma
Separated Value file and uploaded to the web. The report will not be seen
, pat_id from patient
select cast('<All Patients>' as VarChar(40)) FULL_NAME
, cast(-1 as integer) pat_id
from rdb$database"
DEFAULT="<All Patients>"
All Properties of a parameter must have an equal sign and the values must be within double quotes.
All Properties of a parameter must have an equal sign and the values must be within double quotes.
). All Sections must end with a
This example provides a full description of all properties accepted and recognised by a DROP DOWN LIST PARAMETER in Communicare.
/* This is a sample report */
STATEMENT="select distinct FULL_NAME
from patient"
select pat_id
, medicare_no
, medicare_ref_no
, medicare_expiry
from patient
where (pat_id = :Patient_Name
or Cast(-1 as integer) = :Patient_Name)
/* This report will print Medicare Card details about one or all patients. */
/* This is the second comment block and is an example of how to use the
special Drop Down List
, pat_id from patient
select cast('<All Patients>' as VarChar(40)) FULL_NAME
, cast(-1 as integer) pat_id
from rdb$database"
DEFAULT="<All Patients>"
select pat_id
, medicare_no
, medicare_ref_no
, medicare_expiry
from patient
where (pat_id = :FIRST_PATIENT
or Cast(-1 as integer) = :FIRST_PATIENT
or pat_id = :SECOND_PATIENT)
SMS Report Guidelines
SMS Reports may be created on the SMS Batch Query window, see Sending Batch SMS Messages
- They must have an output attribute on the parameters set to 'XML', i.e.:
- They must output only the following field names (use field aliases) in exactly the following order:
- PatId (an integer field)
- PatientName (a string field)
- MobileNumber (a string field)
- Text (a string field)
- Note that if the Text field is longer than 160 characters this will be truncated down to 160 before the SMS is sent
Reports added in the SMS Batch Query window that satisfy the above criteria will be able to be used to send SMS batches.