Patient Status Snippets

/*This provides a dropdown list for CURRENT patient status selection.*/


  STATEMENT="select grp_desc
                  , pg.sys_code
             from pat_group pg
             join pat_group_type pgt on pg.pat_grp_type_no = pgt.pat_grp_type_no
             where pgt.sys_code = 'STA'
             and pg.grp_enabled = 'T'
             select cast((select grp_desc
                      from pat_group
                      where sys_code = 'SC'
                      and grp_enabled = 'T') ||
                      ' or ' ||
                      (select grp_desc
                      from pat_group
                      where sys_code = 'ST'
                      and grp_enabled = 'T') as varChar(40)) grp_desc
                  , 'SCT' sys_code
             from rdb$database
             select cast('<Any except fictitious or deceased>' as varChar(40)) grp_desc
                  , '---' sys_code
             from rdb$database
             select cast('<Any except fictitious>' as varChar(40)) grp_desc
                  , '===' sys_code
             from rdb$database
             select cast('Deceased' as varChar(40)) grp_desc
                  , 'XXX' sys_code
             from rdb$database"
  DEFAULT="<Any except fictitious>"


where ((p.current_status = :Patient_status)
  or ('---' = :Patient_status
    and (p.current_status not in ('SF', 'SNP')))
  or ('===' = :Patient_status
    and (p.current_status not in ('SF', 'SNP')
      or p.current_status is null))
  or ('XXX' = :Patient_status
    and p.current_status is null)
  or ('SCT' = :Patient_status
    and (p.current_status = 'SC'
      or p.current_status = 'ST')))
/*Get the display description for patient current status.*/

select pg.grp_desc current_status_desc

from patient p
join pat_group pg on p.current_status = pg.sys_code