Patient Summary

The Patient Summary report prints information about the current patient and can also export all the clinical documents related to the patient. Use the patient summary when you need to hand the patient over to another clinician, for example, during medical evacuation.

To print a patient summary:
  1. Open the Patient Summary, either:
    • In the main toolbar, click Patient Summary buttonPatient Summary and in the patient search window, search for and select the patient for whom you want to print a summary.
    • In a patient's clinical record, select Reports > Patient Summary.
  2. In the Patient Summary window, from the Use list, select the patient summary you require. STANDARD includes and displays the maximum amount of information about a patient.
  3. To review the information included, click Preview buttonPreview.
  4. If you are happy with the information included, to print the summary, in the preview or Patient Summary window, click Print iconPrint.
  5. Select a location to which you want to save the Patient Summary and specify a name if required.
  6. Click Close.

The Patient Summary is saved as a PDF to the location you selected with the name you specified and is opened in your default PDF reader.

Customising the Patient Summary and exporting documents

You can customise the Patient Summary report to your precise requirements by creating a new report option set. You must start from an existing definition and change it to your requirements. You would typically modify the patient summary only for clinical reasons.

You can also export clinical documents related to the patient.

Users with Report Administration system rights can save new customised reports for future use, or save modifications to existing customised reports.

Tip: Everyone at your health service shares the same patient summaries, so you can use those created by other users.
To create a custom patient summary:
  1. Open the Patient Summary, either:
    • In the main toolbar, click Patient Summary buttonPatient Summary and in the patient search window, search for and select the patient for whom you want to print a summary.
    • In a patient's clinical record, select Reports > Patient Summary.
  2. In the Patient Summary window, from the Use list, select STANDARD which includes the maximum amount of information about a patient.
  3. Click Customise.
  4. If you want to export clinical documents associated with the patient, in the summary window, on the General tab, set Export Documents.
  5. Step through the tabs and set or deselect information to include in the summary. For example, on the Clinical Record tab, set Investigation Results.
  6. To check the custom patient summary, click Preview buttonPreview.
  7. To make further updates, click Close and repeat steps 3-5.
  8. To print the patient summary and export the documents, Print iconPrint.

    First select the location to which you want to save the Patient Summary, and then a folder for the patient's clinical documents.

  9. When you are happy with the new summary, click Close:
    1. In the Changed Patient Summary Parameters window, in the New parameter set name field, enter a name that identifies the summary's use. For example, Audiometrist for summaries appropriate for Audiometrists.
    2. Click Save.
  10. Click Close.

The Patient Summary is saved as a PDF to the location you selected with the name you specified and is opened in your default PDF reader.

Exported documents are saved using the following naming convention:
  • NNNN - Patient ID
  • YYYYMMDD - date the document was added to Communicare
  • DISPLAY_DESC/REQUESTED_TESTS - information to describe the document such as the document type or test and letter type and organisation or comment
  • N - a document count
Investigation results are exported using the following naming convention:
Historical data that was imported into Communicare and attached to a clinical record is exported as an external file, which is saved using the following naming convention:
For example, for Martin Brown:
  • DOC-PAT5384-20031204-Scanned document _Discharge summary_-1
  • DOC-PAT5384-20120308-Referral letter _Royal Perth Hospital Cardiology_-3
  • IX-PAT5384-20140622-COMPLETE BLOOD EXAM-1
  • External-PAT5384-20031101-old_record_-1
Note: The complete name of the document, including the directory path, is limited by Microsoft Windows to 260 characters. Because the name of the document exported by Communicare may be up to 150 characters, limit where the documents are saved to a directory with a path of no more than 100 characters. For more information, see