Locality Group

A locality group is where several localities are combined for reporting purposes. Locality groups can be defined for overlapping areas. For example, the following locality groups could be defined for your city or town:
  • North of the river
  • South of the river
  • Inner city
  • Suburban
  • Northern suburbs
  • Southern suburbs
  • Etc.

The Locality Group Maintenance function allows creation of new locality groups, deletion of existing locality groups and changes to existing locality groups. Two grids are displayed; the upper grid lists existing locality groups, the lower grid lists the localities included in the current locality group (i.e. the one selected in the upper grid).

Add a new locality group by clicking on the locality group (upper) grid and then clicking on the add button. A blank Locality Group Name appears in the locality group grid. Type the name of the new locality group. Start the name with an upper case letter to ensure it appears in the correct sort position, eg 'My locality group'.

Add a new locality to an existing locality group by clicking on the lower grid and then clicking on the Add button. Click on a locality to add it to the current locality group.

Health Service Area

The locality group called Health Service Area is a special group that cannot be deleted. It must contain all the localities that define the health service's coverage. This group drives two important functions in Communicare: firstly, the automated patient status feature looks at this group to determine whether a past patient who has been seen should be changed to current (if their locality is in the health service area) or transient (if it is not); secondly, several reports look at this group to determine which clients 'belong' to the health service.