Encounter Analysis

These reports analyse patient encounters that have been recorded using the Service Recording module.

In addition to the usual Report Options these report allow selection by time of day and day of week.

Table 1. Encounter analysis reports
Report > Encounter Analysis Description
Accreditation Audit Shows all patients seen by a provider between two dates where any of the following has still not been recorded:
  • Allergy status (either an allergy or 'nil known' not recorded)
  • Social and family history (one or both missing)
  • Emergency contact name and phone missing. If either a number or a name is included, the encounter is not included in the report.

Fictitious and deceased patients are excluded. When the data was recorded and by whom are not considered.

If the report is run for all providers, there is a page break between each one.

Average Waiting Time in Minutes Reports average service waiting times between two selected dates for encounter places and modes that record arrival times.

Also reported is the percentage of services where the patient waited over one hour. The first percentage includes services where there was no waiting time because the patient did not arrive via a reception area that recorded the arrival time - use this for backwards compatability. The second percentage excludes such services and only counts patients that had a waiting time recorded.

Child Contact Analysis Summary of children who were current and under 5 years old at the end of the report period who were seen between two dates that have had a haemoglobin, height and weight recorded or not recorded in that period.

Also reported are children who had overdue immunisation reviews or immunisations that were not performed.

Clinic Days by Place and Type Counts the number of days that clients were serviced with specific "Clinic" type procedures, for each "encounter place". This count may be considered as the number of clinics (of particular types) that have been provided. The report also includes the number of episodes that occurred at each place. Episodes (services) that do not include a specific "Clinic" type procedure are not be counted. Non-contact services are not included in this report.

Use this report to see the number of days Clinic type services were provided at each place and the number of episodes. This is a good indication of Clinic service level activity for a health service which operates from multiple places.

Clinic Days by Place with Episode Count Counts the number of days that clients were serviced from each "encounter place". This count may be considered as the number of clinics that have been provided. The report also includes the number of episodes that occurred at each place.Non-contact services are not included in this report.

Use this report to see the number of days that services were provided at each place and the number of episodes. This is a good indication of service level activity for a health service which operates from multiple places.

Condition Analysis Provides an analysis of Conditions recorded during services. It can be used to indicate the number of consultations occurring due to particular conditions if your Practice Policy is to record the Reason For Encounter for every service. Since a number of conditions can be recorded in a single encounter, there are two totals recorded at the end - the number of conditions and the number of distinct encounters. (+) next to a date indicates that the encounter has already been recorded for a different condition.
Contacts by Client Type and Provider Analyses patient contacts by patient status, patient Aboriginality, provider speciality and provider name for a selected period, including 'no client contact' services. Fictitious clients are excluded.

Use this report to evaluate service activity.

Contacts by Place Counts the number of contacts between two dates, excluding non-client services. The report is split into the following age groups:
  • 0-4
  • 5-9
  • 10-14
  • 15-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+

The report is disaggregated by Aboriginality, sex and age group. Age is calculated as at the end of the reporting period.

The report displays a count of the number of contacts per age group for each sex and Aboriginality, and displays totals for sex and Aboriginality, and grand totals for each age group.

The report can be filtered by Encounter Place and Program.

Contacts by Place and Mode and Program Audits each provider's use of mode, place and program. The report also shows viewing rights assigned to the progress note (if any).

Use this report to see if providers are recording services with appropriate details.

If you run this report and you do not have appropriate program or viewing rights, you will not see data associated with programs and rights you are not allowed to see.

Contacts by Provider and Aboriginality Analyses patient contacts by provider, place, mode, Aboriginality, sex and age for a selected period.

Use this report to evaluate service activity.

Contacts by Provider Type and Name Similar to the "Contacts" question OATSIH "SAR" Report menu, but instead of listing by "worker type" it also includes worker's names, and can be run for a selected range of dates.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Contacts by Speciality Counts all client contacts for services between two dates filtered and grouped by speciality type, encounter place, encounter mode and encounter program, including days of service, contacts by sex and individuals by sex.

If required, disregard the place, mode or program groupings so that the resultant data shows speciality type contacts.

Contacts Locality Analysis Displays client locality, the number of contacts and the number of individuals seen during the reporting period for each locality, excluding ficticious patients, non-patients and non-contact and administration encounter modes.

This report relates to the "Rural & Remote Areas Mental Health" project. It counts the number of "clinically significant" services delivered directly to a client. A "clinically significant" service is any service that is relevant to the health needs of the client and is not restricted to face to face contact, but excludes services of an administrative nature. Filter by program and locality grouping.

Contacts Mode Analysis Displays the method of delivery and the count of patients disaggregated by sex and totals for each, excluding ficticious patients, non-patients and non-contact and administration encounter modes.

This report relates to "Rural & Remote Areas Mental Health" projects and counts the number of individual services provided by each method of delivery. Filter for a particular program and locality group into which the patient's home address falls at the time of the encounter.

Count by Clinic, Aboriginality, Sex, Age Counts the number of encounters during a selected period, analysed by encounter place, Aboriginality, sex and age group.
Episodes after hours Similar to the "Episodes" question on the OATSIH "SAR" Report menu, except that it reports only "after hours" services and numbers are broken down into Place Mode. The report can be run for any desired period.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Services involving transport workers only are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Episodes by Indigenous Status and Program Lists by program, patient names and the number of times program has been used by each patient according to indigenous status.

Use this report to evaluate program service activity.

  • Deceased clients are included in this report.
  • Fictitious clients are excluded.
Episodes by Place and Mode and Program Similar to the "Episodes" question on the OATSIH "SAR" Report menu, except that numbers are broken down into Place, Mode and Program and the report can be run for any desired period.

The report is disaggregated by Program, Encounter Place, Encounter Mode.

Totals are provided per Encounter Mode, Encounter Place.

The report may be filtered by Encounter Place, Encounter Mode, Program.

  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Services involving transport workers only are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Episodes of health care Similar to the "Episodes" question on the OATSIH "SAR" Report menu, except that numbers are broken down into Place Mode and the report can be run for any desired period.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Services involving transport workers only are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Episodes of health care (Full) Analyses services between two dates by encounter place, patient status and patient's home locality group at the end of the reporting period.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Services involving transport workers only are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Episodes of health care by Place Episodes of care for a specific encounter place by Aboriginality, sex and age group, excluding 'No client contact' services. Age is at time of encounter, grouped by:
  • 0-4
  • 5-9
  • 10-14
  • 15-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+
Frequent Patient Analysis Analyses the frequency of visits and claims for MBS items 721 or 723 for all patients aged 15 years or over where at least five services were performed by doctors between two dates.
  • 721 also includes MBS items 92024, 92068, 229, 92055, 92099.
  • 723 also includes MBS items 92025, 92069, 230, 92056, 92100.
  • Items 721 and 723 are considered if they have been ticked for claiming, regardless of whether the claim has been paid or not.

If two doctors see the patient on the same visit this is counted as two doctor visits.

No client contacts are excluded. Only services that are started, paused or finished are included.

Individual Patients Serviced Counts the number of individual clients serviced, divided by Aboriginality and sex for a selected range of dates.

Use this report to report on the QUMAX population served between two dates.

Services that have not started or finished, non contact services and fictitious patients are excluded.

Individual Patients Serviced (Full) Analyses individuals seen between two dates by encounter place, patient status and patient's home locality group at the end of the reporting period. A client is counted only once.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Individuals by Age Group

This report relates to the "Mental Health Services in Rural and Remote Areas" Project and refers to the individuals who are receiving some level of service within the reporting period.

The report breaks down the number of patients seen during a reporting period, grouped into the following age groups:
  • 0 to 17 years
  • 18 to 65 years
  • 65 and older

The report counts patients only once and disaggregates by sex and totals for each.

The report excludes ficticious patients and excludes non-contact and administration encounter modes.

Patients who have been marked as deceased during the reporting period are reported in a separate grouping. Patients can be filtered by current locality group.

Individuals by Encounter Place Lists all patients who attended a specified encounter place with their mailing address and telephone details.

Use this report to contact patients who attended a particular clinic between two dates.

The age filter is based on the patient's current age.

Individuals Seen by Provider Reports on individual patients seen by a selected provider (or any provider with a selected speciality type) and can be run for a selected range of dates. Patients can be grouped by Aboriginality.
  • Non-client contact and fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Individuals Seen Only Once Shows individual clients serviced only once between two dates and not seen at all since the last date to report at a specific encounter place, including the date of the last service and the speciality types of the providers seen on that visit.

Use this report to identify patients who may be set as current or transient but who should more properly be manually set to past or transient.

Patient status is the patient's current status, not the status at the time of the service. Similarly the patient age is the age today not the age at the time of the service.

  • Patients with no date of birth are excluded.
  • Non-client contact services are excluded.
  • Services that have not started or finished and non contact services are excluded.
Individuals Serviced by Age Group Counts the number of individual clients serviced during a selected period, analysed by 5-year age group and Aboriginality.

The age that the client was at the end of the reporting period determines their age group. The locality group is the locality of the patient's home address at the end of the reporting period.

Individuals Serviced with HCC Reports the number of patients seen at least once between two dates with or without a Health Care Card, Pension Card or Seniors Card, grouped by Aboriginality and sex.

Filter by encounter place and the locality group the patient was living in at the time.

'No client contacts' are excluded.

Locality Service Count Counts the number of services provided to patients whose home address is in the selected locality or locality group at the time of the service, during a selected period.

Where a service took place before a patient's earliest known address this service is not included, because the home address of the patient cannot be determined.

The report divides services between those provided during 'normal hours' and those provided 'after hours'.

Fictitious patients are excluded.

Locality Service Patients Lists the names of patients who have been serviced, where the patient's current address was in the selected locality at the time of the service, during a selected period.

Fictitious patients and 'no client contact' services are excluded.

Multiple Services for Today Counts all the services for each patient who has had more than one service today.

Use this query at the end of the day to find patients with multiple services. Some may not be genuine multiple services.

Patients in the Clinic Shows patients present in the clinic between two date/times.

Use this report to find who was in a specific clinic between two times, either for all or part of the time. This report can be useful when following up potential contact with infectious patients who also attended at that time.

The following services are not included:
  • Any 'no client contact' mode.
  • Any 'Telehealth' mode.
  • Telephone.
  • Client's home.

Enter times in 24 hour clock format as 'hh:mm' or 'hhmm'.

Provider Data Audit For each provider shows who provided service during a selected period, the number of "Contacts", the number of clinical items and the number of progress notes recorded.

Use this report to audit providers' data recording.

  • Fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
Provider Data Audit Details For a selected provider who provided services during a selected period, shows the number of "Contacts" and the number and type of clinical items recorded.

Use this report to audit a provider's data recording.

  • Fictitious patient episodes are excluded.
  • Both Started and Finished services are counted.
  • Booked and Waiting services are excluded.
  • Recalls are excluded.
Provider, Mode and Place Analysis Provides an analysis of patient encounters performed by selected Providers by mode and place. It can be used to help assess Provider workload and activity.
Reason for Encounter Shows all contact services with the RFE (reason for encounter) if the health service has enabled this functionality. Also shown are all other clinical item types added to the service by any provider who saw the patient at that time.

'No client contact' services are excluded.

Service Activity by Class Counts the number of times each type of clinical item has been recorded divided by class, for a selected range of dates and patient's home address locality group.

Use this report to determine the level of activity performed during the selected period.

Incomplete recalls and fictitious patients are excluded.

Service Provider Analysis Provides an analysis of patient encounters performed by selected Providers. It can be used to help assess Provider workload and activity.
Service Provider Duration Shows the duration of services recorded for a selected provider between two dates.
Service Provider Duration Analysis Shows the total duration of services recorded for a selected provider or all providers between two dates.

Use this report to find details for providers who need to submit time spent on services as part of their reporting requirements.

This report will detail only the total amount of time that a clinical record was open unless the provider has been manually editing the duration for each service to reflect the time spent on that service.

Services Count Reports the number of services provided to male and female patients.

This report groups results by encounter place and encounter mode.

Services Count (Periodical) Counts services performed between two dates grouped daily, weekly, monthly or annually.

Export to Microsoft Excel to produce a chart for display in presentations.

Services Count by Age and Sex Counts individual patients of a selected sex and age range who have received services during a selected period. It also counts the number of services performed.

The age is the age of the patient on the day of the service.

This report includes patients who have since deceased.

An individual who has had services at more than one place or by more than one mode will be counted separately for each place or mode.

Services List by Age and Sex Lists individual patients of a selected sex who have received services during a selected period.

This report includes 'no client contact' services and patients who have since deceased.

Services List by Speciality Lists all patient services provided during a selected period by a specified speciality type. Use this report to print out services provided by, say, all paediatricians or dietitians between two dates.

The age of the patient is calculated at the end of the report period.

This report includes 'no client contact' services and patients who have since deceased.

Weekly Activity Daily analysis of provider services. Use this report as a weekly summary of provider activity.

Enter a date range and specify all services, just contact services or just no contact services.

Fictitious patient encounters are excluded.