Procedures Reports

Report on procedures, clinical items and qualifiers.

Table 1. Procedures reports
Report > Procedures Description
Adult Health Check Uptake Analysis Analyses the uptake of the Adult Health Checks.

Use this report to determine your client population's uptake of the adult health check.

You are required to enter a reference date that the report will use to determine client age (for population) and the number who have had a check. The period considered is the previous 2 years for 15 to 54 year olds or 1 year for older patients.

Both complete and incomplete checks are counted.

Age and status are calculated as at the reference date.

This report looks for the standard clinical items: Check up;aboriginal & TI adult, Check up;aboriginal & TI over 55's and Over 75's Health Check as distributed by Communicare.

Clinical items flagged as Adult Health Checks with system code AHC (for 15-54 year olds) or OHC (for over 55s) and EHC (for over 75s) are also recognised.

This report does not consider either indigenious status or the prior claiming of a 715 check in its calculation of the number of clients eligible for the "over 75's" check.

Antenatal checks completed before 20 weeks Lists the number of women who had an antenatal check before week 13 and those with a check before week 20 during the selected period. The results are broken down by Aboriginality.

Use this report as a measure of antenatal care program effectiveness.

The totals for checks before 20 weeks include those women with a first check before 13 weeks.

Only antenatal checks with a system code of PRE and a rule code of PR-CHECK where the Gestation qualifier has been recorded are included.

Cervical Screening Analysis Shows the number of female clients who have had any type of cervical screening procedure performed within a specified number of years of the reference date of the report.

Health services that record cervical screening as clinical items can use this report to measure how effective their cervical screening program is.

The total number of women in the target age range is also shown.

Excludes women with a recorded hysterectomy.

This report also looks at any condition or history clinical item if it has the export code of CST. This is to include woman who have had a cervical screening but not necessarily performed at this health service. Also included are patients with cervical screening requests, cervical screening results and those with a True/False qualifier recorded as 'Yes'.

Check Up analysis by age group and gender Counts all checkup clinical items recorded between two dates. The checkups must belong to the grouper Check Ups (All).

Use this to report count the number of check ups completed for children, adults and elderly people.

For males and females in age groups 0-14, 15-55 and 55+, the report lists:
  • Check up type, such as, Child development check
  • Number of checks performed
  • Total number of checks for sex and age group

Partially complete procedures, that is, those with required qualifiers that have not been completed, are excluded.

The report excludes fictitious patients but includes deceased patients.

Child Health Check Uptake Analysis Analyses the uptake of the Child Health Check (MBS Item 708).

Use this report to determine your client population's uptake of the child health check.

You are required to enter a reference date and the report will count Aboriginal children between two ages on that date and show how many had a Child Health Check within the previous 12 months, complete or otherwise.

Age and status are calculated as at the reference date.

This report looks for the item Check up;aboriginal & TI child {708} as distributed by Communicare or other clinical item flagged as a Child Health Check with system code CHC.

Child Immunisation Review Analysis Shows the number of clients under 15 years who do not have any overdue immunisation review recalls.

Use this report to evaluate the effectiveness of your health service's child immunisation surveillance program.

Immunisation review recalls should only be completed when a child's immunisations are up-to-date. This report will then indicate how many children are up-to-date and how many are not.

Cancelled reviews are ignored by this report.

Consider sourcing reports from AIR to verify and confirm the results of this report.

Count by Special Lookup Counts the number of procedures (Class = Procedure) completed during a selected period, grouped by special lookup.

If Special Lookup is used to indicate a patient's Health Worker for instance, this query shows the number of procedures performed on each Health Worker's patient (not necessarily by that Health Worker).

GAA Record Sheet Shows all patients under 5 years old who live in the Health Service Area with the last Growth Assessment Action details.

Administrators can run this report so they can submit details of Growth Assessment Action to the relevant reporting body.

You are prompted for two dates to define the reporting period.

Patients included are all patients who were under 5 at the start of the reporting period.

This report looks for a clinical item called Check up;child development with the qualifiers 'Weight', 'Height', 'Head Circumference' and 'Hb (Haemoglobin)'. This report must be edited if any of these descriptions change.

GAA Record Sheet NT Shows all patients under 5 years old who live in the Health Service Area with the last Growth Assessment Action details.

Use this report to submit details of Growth Assessment Action to the relevant reporting body.

You are prompted for two dates to define the reporting period.

Patients included are all patients who were under 5 at the start of the reporting period.

This report looks for the latest clinical item that has a 'Hb (Haemoglobin)' attached and shows the qualifers 'Weight', 'Height' and 'Hb (Haemoglobin)' if they were recorded on the same day. There is an option to use the latest Hb as the date or only a day where all three qualifiers were recorded.

Note also that patients who were under 6 months at the time of the GAA are not required to have a haemoglobin recorded.

Status is calculated as follows:
  • D - If patient is now deceased
  • O - If patient was older that 5 years at the end of the reporting period
  • V - If the patient status is not current
  • X - If the patient's address is outside the Health Service Area
  • M - If the patient status is Current and has been measured
  • P - If the patient status is Current and has not been measured.
Group Activities Tis report is similar to the OATSIH SAR question: 'What type of groups were run by your service and how many people attended'. However, this report provides options for a range of dates and an option for analysis by provider and shows number of individuals as well as number of attendees.

This report looks for all items with 'group' in the description. Clients who have this item added for the same day are assumed to have attended the same group activity.

This report is for identified clients. To report on unidentified clients, Group Activities - Unidentified Clients report.

Fictitious clients are excluded.

Group Activities - Unidentified Clients This report is similar to the OSR question: 'What type of groups were run by your service and how many people attended', except for 'un-identified patients' and group activities.

It provides options for a range of dates and an option for analysis by provider and shows number of individuals as well as number of attendees.

This report includes only clinical items where at least one of the GRP qualifiers has a value. If a provider records a clinical item for a group event and fails to record at least one of the attendance qualifiers, that item is not counted in the total events.

Filter by:
  • Encounter Place
  • Encounter Mode
  • Program
  • Group
  • Group Type
  • Provider (single provider, group by each provider or view all together)
Non-patients are included. Fictitious clients are excluded.
NT RHD Monthly Bicillin Report Use this report for the NT Government Department of Health Rheumatic Heart Disease Register. All patients of a selected status and locality group are shown with completed LA Bicillin clinical items for each four-week period from a specified date for thirteen periods. The date of the next recall is also displayed.

Patients are selected based on a condition recorded that belongs to the ICPC grouper of RHEUMATIC FEVER/HEART DISEASE. LA Bicillin items must have the export code of BICILLIN to be included.

Outcome and Topic Analysis This report is available in the following styles:
  • Patient Conditions by Topic and Frequency

    Lists Condition Topics (Clinical Item Type Topic for Class = Condition) for conditions in descending order by frequency. For each topic, lists patient details (site/patient/birthdate) for patients in the population. Note that "frequency" is the number of occurrences of the Topic in the population defined by the selection in effect (the selected site, or all sites, and so on).

  • Procedure Outcome Analysis

    Lists for each procedure qualifiers measured as part of that procedure, and summarises (counts, averages) the outcomes.

    Average outcomes display only for numerical qualifiers. Displayed precision of averages is 2 fractional decimal digits more than the number of fractional decimal digits actually encountered in the data for that qualifier.

  • Procedure Outcomes for Patient

    Shows qualifiers and their outcomes in order by date for each patient.

Pap Smear Analysis This report shows the number of female clients who have had any type of "Pap smear" procedure performed within a specified number of years of the reference date of the report.

The total number of women in the target age range is also shown. Excludes women with a recorded hysterectomy.

Health services that record Pap smear "procedures" as clinical items can use this report to measure how effective their Pap smear program is.

This report includes any condition or history clinical item if it has the export code of PAPSMEAR so that women who have had a pap smear but not necessarily performed at this health service are counted. Also included are patients with pap smear requests, pap smear results and those with the qualifier 'pap smear done' recorded as 'Yes'.

Performed Produces a complete list of patients who have had procedures performed. Specific procedure types or all procedures can be selected. Localities, age groups and time periods can also be specified.
Performed by Client Lists the clients who have had a selected procedure performed during a selected period.

Use this report to list the clients who have had a particular procedure.

The report lists Client name and Date procedure performed.

Performed by date with qualifiers Lists a selected procedure or all procedures performed during a selected period.

Use this report as a simple alternative to the procedures performed report when qualifiers values are required in a date ordered list.

The report groups the procedures by place, all places or a single place for all or a specified provider. Partially complete procedures and recalls are not included.

The report lists for all patients (except fictitious patients):
  • Date of procedure
  • Name of client
  • The name of the procedure performed (with comment)
  • Qualifiers (if any) recorded on the procedure
Performed by date with qualifiers (export) Shows all procedures, complete or incomplete, performed between two dates with qualifier values presented as columns rather than rows. The report has no print layout so must be exported to Microsoft Excel to be of value. Up to 87 qualifiers are shown with a warning in the last column if there are more than 87 qualifiers on the procedure.

Row 2 defines the qualifier name. The qualifiers are presented in the same order as they are on the clinical item when the user adds the data.

Export data to sort and filter in Microsoft Excel to find procedures where qualifier responses of a particular value are of interest. Remove the first row and use the second row as the header row.

Performed by Provider Place and Mode
Use this report to gain an appreciation of the data recording and clinical service activity of each provider. For each provider, this report lists:
  • Provider name
  • Place mode where the procedures were done
  • Name of the procedure
  • Number of times the procedure was done
  • A count of females, males and unknown sex depending on the filter
  • Total duration in minutes as recorded.

Providers who have not performed any procedures during the selected period are not listed on the report.

The report can be run for a selected range of dates and for a selected place or all places.

Fictitious patient procedures are excluded.

Performed for Selected Item Button Show counts of the usage of all clinical items that appear on a single clinical item button in the clinical record.

Use this report to analyse the frequency of use of clinical items presented on a single clinical item button.

The count includes all saved, complete and incomplete items.

Performed List Lists a selected procedure or all procedures performed during a selected period, grouped by place, all places or a single place.

Use this report as an SQL alternative to the Procedures Performed report.

The report should be run by a user with access to all clinical items, such as Administrator. The report lists:
  • The name of the procedure performed
  • The date the procedure was performed
  • The patient's name and ID Reports can be selected by
  • Encounter place
  • Procedure - selected procedure or all procedures
  • Date range of procedure performed
  • Status of patient
  • Sex
  • Aboriginality
  • Age of patient (at end of reporting period)
  • Current locality group
  • Current locality
  • Record storage site
Reports can be selected by:
  • Encounter place
  • Procedure - selected procedure or all procedures
  • Date range of procedure performed
  • Status of patient
  • Sex
  • Aboriginality
  • Age of patient (at end of reporting period)
  • Current locality group
  • Current locality
  • Record storage site

Recalls are not counted.

Performed List by Keyword Lists procedures performed during a selected period where the procedures share a selected keyword, grouped by place, all places or a single place.
The report should be run by a user with access to all clinical items, such as Administrator. The report lists:
  • The name of the procedure performed
  • The date the procedure was performed
  • The patient's name and ID
Reports can be selected by:
  • Encounter place
  • Keyword
  • Date range of procedure performed
  • Status of patient
  • Sex
  • Aboriginality
  • Age of patient (at end of reporting period)
  • Current locality group
  • Current locality

Recalls are not counted.

Performed List with Selected Qualifier Lists a selected procedure or all procedures performed during a selected period with the option of displaying a selected qualifier (if this qualifier is attached to the selected procedure), grouped by place, all places or a single place.
The report should be run by a user with access to all clinical items, such as Administrator. The report lists:
  • The name of the procedure performed
  • The date the procedure was performed
  • The patient's name and ID
  • The selected qualifier result.
Reports can be selected by:
  • Encounter place
  • Procedure - selected procedure or all procedures
  • Date range of procedure performed
  • Status of patient
  • Sex
  • Aboriginality
  • Age of patient (at end of reporting period)
  • Current locality group
  • Current locality
  • Record storage site.

Recalls are not counted.

Performed Summary This report totals a selected procedure or all procedures performed during a selected period, grouped by place, all places or a single place.

Use this report as a simple alternative to the Procedures Performed report when only basic activity information is required.

The report should be run by a user with access to all clinical items, such as Administrator. The report lists:
  • The name of the procedure performed
  • The number of times the procedure was performed
  • The total number of procedures for each encounter place.
Reports can be selected by:
  • Encounter place
  • Program
  • Procedure - selected procedure or all procedures
  • Date range of procedure performed
  • Status of patient
  • Sex
  • Aboriginality
  • Age of patient (at end of reporting period)
  • Current locality group
  • Current locality
  • Record storage site.

Partially complete procedures and recalls are not counted.

Performed with Required Qualifiers Lists clinical items with required qualifiers (such as the Aboriginal & TSI adult check), incomplete or complete, performed between two dates for a selected provider.

Use this report to distinguish between partially completed procedures and wholly completed procedures.

Duplicate records are not shown. That is, if a provider has made more than one iteration of the same incomplete item it is listed only once.

Only currently enabled clinical items are offered for selection.

Procedures History for Selected Patient Shows all details of a selected procedure recorded for a specified patient between two dates.
Qualifier Analysis for Selected Item Shows counts of the qualifier usage of a single clinical item including averages, maxima and minima for numeric qualifiers and individual counts of each reference type qualifier response.

Use the report to analyse responses to the qualifiers of a particular procedure.

Items with no qualifiers recorded are not included.

Qualifier Analysis for Selected Item Button Shows counts of the qualifier usage of all clinical items that appear on a single clinical item button in the clinical record, including averages, maxima and minima for numeric qualifiers and individual counts of each reference type qualifier response.

Use this report to analyse responses to the qualifiers of particular items that belong together.

Numeric qualifiers are also summed to give a total: this is not a sensible value for, say, HbA1c and should be ignored, but is valuable for numeric qualifiers such as 'Amount spent in dollars', and so on.

Items with no qualifiers recorded are not included.

SA RHD Bicillin Injection Masterchart Use this report for the SA Government Rheumatic Heart Disease Register.

All patients of a selected status and locality group are shown with completed LA Bicillin clinical items for each four-week period from a specified date for thirteen periods. The date of the next recall is also displayed.

Patients are selected based on a condition recorded that belongs to the ICPC grouper of RHEUMATIC FEVER/HEART DISEASE and LA Bicillin items must have the export code of BICILLIN to be included.

WA RHD Monthly Bicillin Report Use this report for the WA Rheumatic Heart Disease Register & Control Program All patients of a selected status and locality group are shown with completed LA Bicillin clinical items for each four-week period from a specified date for thirteen periods. The date of the next recall is also displayed.

Patients are selected based on a condition recorded that belongs to the ICPC grouper of RHEUMATIC FEVER/HEART DISEASE and LA Bicillin items must have the export code of BICILLIN to be included.