Medications Reports

Report on medications.

Table 1. Medications reports
Report > Health Care Providers Description
Chronic Medications and Reviews For health services using clinical items of the class 'Chronic Medication' instead of the Prescribing module, lists patient's Chronic Medication and the date of the last medication review.

Only current patients are included in the list.

CTG Prescriptions Count Provides a count of medications prescribed during a selected period at a selected encounter place or all encounter places that were marked as Closing the Gap prescriptions.
Dosette Label for Selected Patient A snapshot of the Medication Summary for a selected patient. It is not a prescription but may be used as a dosette box label. Wherever possible the patient's clinical record should be checked for changes made since the printing of this label.
Locality medication list Lists all current medications for all current patients grouped by locality, where current medications are regular medications and once-off medications for which the days supply has not expired.

Use this report as a working medication list when making locality visits.

Order by surname or first name within the locality.

This report lists current patients only. Transient, past and fictitious patients are excluded.

Medication Summary for Selected Patient A snapshot of the Medication Summary for a selected patient. It is not a prescription but may be used as a record of the patient's current medications. Wherever possible, the patient's clinical record should be checked for changes made since the printing of this report.
My Prescription Defaults
Outstanding Verbal Orders Similar to the window that shows a user's unreviewed verbal orders but additionally shows the date and name of the prescription and its status. It also allows all outstanding verbal orders for other providers to be seen.

If a prescription has expired or has been stopped, review the verbal order from the Detail tab of the clinical record: right-click and select Review Verbal Order.

If a prescription has been deleted, before you can review the verbal order, on the Detail tab, right-click and select Show Deleted Items.

Patients on selected Brand Lists all patients who are either currently on a once-off medication for which the days supply has not expired or on a regular medication, who have ever been prescribed a particular brand medication.

This report includes only medications prescribed by brand, medications prescribed generically are excluded.

Patients on selected Generic Lists all patients who are either currently on a once-off medication for which the days supply has not expired or on a regular medication, who have ever been prescribed medication containing a selected generic drug.

Use this report to identify patients who use a particular medication.

Patients on selected Therapeutic Class Lists all patients who are either currently on a once-off medication for which the days supply has not expired or on a regular medication, who have ever been prescribed a medication belonging to a selected therapeutic class.

Use this report to identify patients who use a particular medication.

Filter to select only patients that have first been prescribed the selected therapeutic class after a specified date or have last been prescribed the selected therapeutic class after a specified date.

Patients Prescribed selected Generic Lists all patients who have been prescribed a medication containing a selected generic drug within a selected period of time.

Use this report to identify patients who have been given a particular medication within a particular period. You may find this useful when reconciling drug stock quantities.

This report will not include any prescriptions prescribed by brand where the brand has subsequently been deleted by MIMS.

Patients with expired Regular Medications Lists all current patients who have regular medications which will have expired by a specified, valid date.

Use this report to produce a list of patients whose regular medications are due for review by a doctor.

Transient, past and fictitious patients are excluded.

Patients with Multiple Regular Medications

Lists all current patients who have multiple, regular medications.

Specify the minimum number of regular medications to limit patient's included in the report.

Transient, past and fictitious patients are excluded.

Patients with Multiple Same Medications Shows patients in a selected locality group with multiple, current prescriptions for the same medication.

Consider making these medications regular so that they appear only once in the medication summary with details of the latest script.

Prescriptions Count Provides a list and count of medications prescribed during a selected period at a selected encounter place or all encounter places.

Use this report to analyse the medications prescribed.

Reason for Prescribing Shows all patients and prescriptions where a prescription was made between two dates with a reason for prescribing belonging to a specified clinical item group. (Note that the Reason for Prescribing is an optional field.)

For example, to find all prescriptions recorded as having type 2 diabetes as the reason for prescribing, select the clinical item group or DIABETES, NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT.

Unprescribed Regular Medications Lists patients who have any regular medication records where the medication has yet to be prescribed. This situation can arise in the following cases:
  • The rural prescription is used and a medication was added as a regular medication but the rural prescription was not generated.
  • Some regular medication data was imported from another database but has not been converted or represcribed as a MIMS medication.