MeHR Reports

Check MeHR upload information.

Table 1. MeHR reports
Report > MeHR Description
Consumer Reconciliation This is an extract, not designed for printing.

Run this report when MeHR wants an extract to reconcile the MeHR repository with the local database.

Current MeHR Status Counts patient MeHR status by current status and shows percentages of patients active, temporary, inactive and not registered.

Filters are provided for record storage location and locality.

Processing Queue Show the current processing queue for MeHR.

The report displays all orders still sitting in the queue because they were not processed regardless of reason.

Use this report to determine if there is something not working with Argus and with MeHR in general.

Shows the identifier for each MeHR order type.
  • MeHR Order type | Record in queue
  • Current Health Profile | Patient Identifier Event Summary | Service identifier
  • Investigation Result | Investigation Result identifier Revoke Investigation Result | Investigation Result identifier Deactivate Event Message | Service identifier Antenatal Report | Patient Identifier